Minutes 1920/11/17
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Gilroy, Cal., NOT. 17th, 1920.
The regular adjourned meeting; of' thn Cammon Council of NOT.
1st, 1920, was called to. order by His Honor ~layar Jag. PrinceTalJ e.
Present Cauncilmen Chesbro., Bro.wn,~,!artin, Schemel; ~ bsent
Councilmen IJester, Hacttke.
By matian af H. 1\[. :\lartin, seconded by C. ,v. Schemel, the 1'01-
lowing Heso.lutian was adopted:
RJG IT Hl';SOI'vED that the Ci ty of
Gilray adTertise for a lease of its ras plant and ~as distributin~
system, and also all its interest in and to electric light and nower
ro]cs, lines and wires, subject to. a lease thdreof' to Coast Counti(~s
Gas and g]ectric Campany, anfi that the CIcple of' the C.ity of' Gilroy
cause a notice to be published in a newspaper published in the City
of Gilroy inviting bids f'or a lease of' said plants.
Vote, Ayes, Cauncilmen ~lmer J. Chesbro, A. w. Brown, R. M.
fuartin, C. w. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Cnuncil-
men U. O. IJester, ~'rm. !tadtke.
Aujourned subject to the
call of' the Chair.