Minutes 1920/12/06 1 Gilroy, Cal., Dec. Ath, ]920. ...,~ :~ ..,...~ v '1> ...-~'..... 26 'l'he r~glllar monthly meetinp: of the Common Council was cal1c(1 to "~.",, order by His Honor Vayor Jas. PrinccTalle. Present Councilmen Cheshro, Lester, Brown, Hadtke, '!artin, Schemel; Absent, Councilmen, None. 'fhe minutes of NOT. 1st, NOT. 11th aml Dec. 1st were read anti 01'- dered approTed. Application of OliTer Chantler for position of Chemical driTer was reati anti ortiere(t placecl on file. lteports of the License an,i 'fax Collector anll City Clerk were read, and by motion of 3chemel, seconded and carried ordered accept- cd and placed on file. 1he regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Schemel, seconded and carried were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. The amount of' warrants allowed * :J tj y, General Fund. The Water' Committee ma(le report relatiTC to constr'uctin,'!; an aux- illiary reserToir. By motion of C. C. Lester, seconded by C. w. Schemel and car- ried the following resolution was aLopted: Hi'; 11' H1~GOLVED that the City of' Gilroy, a ;'luniCipal Corpora- tion, through its Jilayor anci Common Council, accept the of'f'er of' Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company foy' a lease of i ts ~{unici- pally owned Gas and. Elec tric Plants amt systems in the City of' Gil- roy, pursuant to the notice to bidders dated NOTember 17, 1920, . sip:ned by the City Clerk of' the City of' Gilroy, statinp: that the City of Gilr'oy would lease its gas plant and distributing system and its interest in and to its electri~ light and power poles, lines and wires in the City of Gilroy, subject to the present lease thnre- of, it being: understood that the of'fer of Coast Counties Gas andf1':l- cctric Company, dated NOTember 14, 1920, 1mt now on file in the of'- fice of the City Clerk and whereby Coast Counties Gas and Electric agrees to purchase from the City of Gilroy its interest in and to its municipally owned Gas plant and (listri buting system, ancl its interest in and to its ejectric light poles and power lines for the sum of' Twenty-four thousand lJollars be embodied in said lease as a part of the consideration thereof', and that said lease contain a clause whereby the City of' Gilroy shall haTe the right to terminate and cancel the lease in case of an actual and bona f'ide sale of' said plants pursuant to power to be Tested in the people of' the City of Gilroy by the I,egislature of the State of California, upon the City of Gilroy paying to the Lessee all money due to it under said lease and all prior leases in which the Lesseemay haTe an interest, anr.! the )'ayor ant! City Clerk of the City of Gilroy are hereby di- rected to execute such lease on behalf of the City of Gilroy as its act and deed. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, .'1.. w. Brown, Wm. Radtke, fi. M. Martin, C. W. Schemel, Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent CO'IDcilmen, None. COITunittees from the Womens Civic Club :lnll the A.merican Legion appeared before the Council relatiTe to a lease of the City Pl~p Lot as a location for a community club house, and the matter was taken under adTisement. By motion of H. A. ,Martin, seconde!l by \','ro. Ha(itke the follow- ing resolution was adopted: BE IT lll~StHNRD that H. B. Fisher be designated as City T<;ngineer or the City of' Gilroy, amI that the City Engineer he, and he is here- by instructed to prepare plans and specifications and a careful es- timate of the cost and expenses for fixing the grade and construct- ing curbs and sidewalks for all that portion of the City of Gilroy bounded on the North by the mi(lcile line of First Street; on the East by the middle line of Monterey Street; on the South by the middle line of Eighth Street, and on the West by the middle line of Hanna Street. Vote, ~yes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, ~. w. Brown, Wm. Radtke, R. M. Martin, C. w. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent CounCilmen, None. ~djourned subject to the call of the Chair. ~ ~t~e::.A, Ii' 27