Minutes 1921/01/06 27 Gilroy, Cal., Jan. 6th, 1921. The regular monthly meeting ot the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor las. PrineeTalle. Present Councilmen qhesbro, Lester, Brown, Radtke, Martin, Schemel; Absent Counoilmen, None. The minutes of meeting ot December 6th, 1920, were read and or- dered approved. Petition presented tor street lamp on Alexander Street, near 8th Street referred to the Lighting Committee to take up at once. By motion ot Martin, seconded by Schemel Justice ot the 'aece J. \, v " " J , 1 28 "' the ensuing year. Monthly reports or License COllector and City Clerk and quarter- ly reports or Treasurer and Clerk presented and by motion or Radtke, seconded and carried same were accepted and ordered filed. Sewer committe~endered further repo~t in regard to Shepherd Es- t.ate matter. ::::.. :~ U ". -- ........ ~. Boesch was appointed police Judge for the City ot Gilroy tor Appointment of Inspector on sidewalk work was reterred to the Street Committee. ~otion by Lester, seconded and carried: That the City Attorney be requested to prepare an Ordinance prohibiting the sale of intox- icating liquor in the City of Gilroy. Notion by Lester, aeoonded and carried: That a communication be addressed to the Chamber of Commerce setting forth the facts that the Mayor has asked several persons to serve on the so-called Moral enforcement Committee without direct results, and that we sug- gest that said Committee be appointed by the Chamber at Commerce and that the Mayor and Council assist said Committee in eyery man- ner possible. By motion of ~. W. Brown, seconded by Wrn. Radtke the following Resolution was adopted. WUEUEAS, The Lester-Hubert Company has made application to the Railroad CommiSSion ot the state ot Calitnrnia for a permit to main- tain ana operate a Motor Truck transportation line between the City of Gilroy and the City of San Francisco, and fWHEREAS, the Common Council of the City ot Gilroy deems the ser- vie eretofore~ and now bein~ furnished by the said Lester-Hubert Co. ot . eat valu to the merchants of the said City of Gilroy and it i8 desirable that said I~ster-Hubert Co. be permitted to continue the operation at said transportation system, now BE IT RESOLVED, that the said Common Council ot the City ot Gil- roy hereby endorses said application of Lester-Rubert Co. for said permit and recommends that said application be granted. Vo~, Ayes, Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Radtke, Martin, Schemel; Excused from voting Lester, Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, None. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Martin, seconded by Radtke allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount ot warrants allowed $ 2370.31 General Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. lI;' (;~g Rrr;!~'jl', City ciJrk.