Minutes 1921/02/09 128 ! ~ :---.. " Gilroy, Cal., Feb. ~th, 1921. The regular monthly meeting or the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princeyalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Radtke, Martin, iebemelJ Absent Counoilman Lester. x x: y ~ 29 ~ The minutes of meeting of Jan. 6th, 1U21, were read and or- deredapproTed. Geo. S. Tremaine presented his resignation as a member ot the Board of Forestry, but no action was taken. Turner Company who haTe contraot for plumbing at the New Or- phans Home presented bond in sum.of $301_ and, by motion ot Martin seconded by Radtke and oarried said bond was accepted. The License Collector and city Clerk presented their monthly re- ports and by motion of Schemel seconded and oarried same were ae- ..pted and ordered placed on file. Petition of electors asking the Council to take action relatiTe to the sale of intoxicatin~ liquor was presented. BY,motion ot A. ~. Brown, seconded by R. V. Yartin the follow- ing Resolution was adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Com- mon Couneil ot the City of Gilroy that the grade shown on the map prepared by H. B. Fisher, GUrTeyor, and endorsed, tiled tor record in the of rice of the City Clerk ot the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of February, 1921, be and the same is hereby adopted as the ot- ticial gaade of the City of Gilroy, and said map be adopted as the offioial map thereof. Vote, Ayes, Counoilmen Elmer J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown, Wm. Radtke, Chas. W. Sehemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent,Council- man C. C. Lester. By motion of Chas. W. Schemel, seconded by R. M. Martin Ordi- nance No. 305 was passed after baTin~ been read and re-read by ti- tIe as tallows: An Ordinance fixing the width of sidewalk space in the City of Gilroy, establishing the width ot sidewalk paTements, adopting specitications for sidewalkS, gutters and curbs, and pre- scribing the material to be used, and the manner of construet1n~ such sidewalks, gutters and curbs. Vote, ~1es, Counoilmen Elmer J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown, Wm. Radtke, R. M. Martin. Chas. W. Schemel, Noes, Councilmen'. None; ~b- sent Councilman C. C. Lester. . By motion of Chas. W. ichemel, seconded by H. M. Martin Ordi- nance No. 306 was passed atter haYin~ been read and re-read by title as tollows: An Ordinanoe prohibiting the manufacture, sale, unlaw- ful possession or transportation or intoxicating liquor within the City of Gilroy and proTidin~ penalties for Tiolatton hereof. Vow., Ayes, Councilmen Elmer J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown, Wm. ~ Radtke, R. M. Martin, Chas. W. ~chemel; Noes, Counoilmen, None, \ 30 ~ >< Absent Councilman C. C. Lester. -~ \-, '. '- ~atter of repairs to dam left with the Water Committee with in- ~ struotions to telephone to San Jose. The Lightin~ Cownitteereported that the eost ot li~t OR Alex- aDder Street was estimated at $50. Motion by aohemel, seoonded and carried: That the minimum rates for different sized meters be adopted as rollows: 1" me- ter, $1.25 for first 7eOG gallons, 1 1/2" meter $1.56 for tirst ~OO, gallons; 28 meter, $2.8. for first 10,0" ~allons; ~. me- ter $3.00 for first 18,01' gallons and ten cents for eaeh addi- tional le.. ~allons. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion or Schemel, seconded and carried were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. imount ot warrants allowed, $232Q.37 on the ~eneral Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. G.Y ~ kV? CitAlerko ,