Minutes 1921/02/14 30 Gilroy, Cal., Feb. 14th, 1921. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council ot Feb. ~th, lQ21, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Prince- yalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Radtke, Nartin, iohemelJ Ab- sent CouncilmaD C. C. Lester. City Enlineer H. B. Fisher appeared berore the Council in mat- ter or certain details relatiye to the side walk speciti.ations. The matter of settlin~ oertain points was ~eterred to the En- aineer to prepare small plans showing the corner radius and otber details and to e.port to the City Attorney, who was inst~- uoted to prepare Ordinance in accordanee with said report. .ldjourned subject to the oall or the Cllain. i G.g(f(~. City CI~k.'