Minutes 1921/03/07 Gilroy, Cal., ~ar. 7th, 1921. The regular monthly Ineeting of the Common Council was called to order by His lIonor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Drown, Martin, Schemel, lbsent Councilmen Lester, Radtke. The minutes or meetings of Feb. 9th and Feb. 14th were read and ordered approved. Property owners near Old Gilroy street presented petition relat- ing to the removal or the McElroy grove, which was taken under con- sideration. Shell Company presented request to erect oil clepot anll stora.ge tanks near Southern city limits and by motion of Chesbro, second- ed by ~chemel permission was granted. aequest for installation of fire hydrant at 10th street pre- sented, and matter of installing same, also another at Seoond and Eigleberry streets referred to the Fire Committee to report back. H. L. McDuffee presented request for reduction in water rate or installation of meter an;l same was referred to the Water Committee. The Street Committee reporte(l the following 'Permits granted to extend curb linesl One foot on East side of Eigleberry, between 6th and 7th ~treets, One foot on North side or Sixth street, between Rosanna anti Uanna Streets, One foot on North side of Martin, between Railroad and Alexan- der Streets, One foot on East side or Railroad between ~Iartin and Lewis Stts, One foot on Best side or Alexander between Martin and 6th Stts., .lx inches on South side of Martin between Railroad and Ale~- aDder Streets, Three feet on East side of Alexander between Martin and 6th at's. Eighteen inches on East side of Forest ~treet between 6th and 7th Streets, Two feet on West side of Church Street, between Second and 3rd Streets.' . The License Collector and City Clerk presented their monthly re- ports, and by motion of Martin seconded and carried said reports were accepted and ordered filed. It having been reportetl that deeds had been delivered to the City Attorney for alleyway right through Block 4 North, Range ~ West, the Mayor suggested that said deeds be recorded and a survey 31 32 made. The Clerk was directed to address a letter to the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company requesting them to instruct the night- watchman relati?c to the turning off of the street lights. The regular JDonthly bills were read and by motion of Schemel, seconded by Brown and carried orclered allmfed and warrants drawn. ~mount of Warrants allowed $ 18~O.71 on the General Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. (f/J ~;fiI0 Ci ty WIerlt. . ., '--. ::< ,..~ "oJ to '--I 1--1