Minutes 1921/04/04 32 Gilroy, Caif, April 4th,1921, The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor The Mayor Jas. Prineevalle. Present, Co*ncl1men Chesbro, Brown, Radtke, Schemel, Absent, Councilmen Lester and Ilartin, The minutes of meeting of March 7th were read and ordered approved. The Gilroy Woments Civic Club presented petition in regard to the cutting of trees in various parts of the Ci;y. Communication from the Gilroy Verchants Association I asking that the manner of parking automobiles be changed . and the same was discussed but no action taken. Communication from State Automobile Association rela~ tive to the matter of making street signs uniform and the same was ordered placed on file. Petition ror opening alleyway through Block 1 North, Range 2 West, presented and referred to Street Commit~ee. The Fire Committee and Fire Chief reported granting permit to Irvin Hollister to make minor changes on Lot 6, in Blook 1 North, 1 East. Monthly reports of" Marshal and City Clerk and quarterly , reports of Treasurer and Clerk were read and by motion of Scbemel, seconded and carried ordered aocepted and placed on rile. By motion of ~cbemel, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That Ordinance No,s87 was passed af"ter having been read and re-read by title as followss ~- .. ..,....,~~,=,~~..,. ~- ~33 An Ordinance amending Sections 240, 242, 248, and ~44 of Article III of' Chapter IV of Part II of the ~Iunicipal Code o~ the City of' Gilroy, establishing districts of the City o~ Gilroy for the purpose of building regulations, and pr~ viding for building permits. Vote, ..\yes, Councilmen E, J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown, Wm. Radtke, Chas. W. Schemel. Noes, None; Absent, Councilmen C. C. Lester and R. M. Martin. By motion of Brown, seconded by Radtke and carried Ordinance No. 308 was passed after havin~ been read and re-read by title as f'ollowss An Ordinance amending Section 2~4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Gilroy relative to moving houses and other buildings' on the streets ot the City of Gilroy, and pro- viding penalty for violation thereof. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, A.' W. Brown, Wm. Radtke, Chas. W. Sohemel. Noes, None; Absent, Councilmen C. C. Lester and R. M. Martin. By motton of Schem91seconded by BrOWl1'e and carried the ~ollowing Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy that pursuant and subject to all of the terms, con- ditions and provisions of' Chapter ~7S of the California Statutes or 191~ and all amendments thereto, relattng to domestic water suppltes, application by this City be made to the State Board ot Health of the State o~ California, fUr a permit to improve its Municipal water supply by construct- ing a rorebay to filter its water on the upstream side of its ( dam on the Uvas Creek about 9 miles Northwest of the City of Gilroy, said f'orebay to be triangular in shape, each side thereof to be about 15 feet in length, the walls of the forebay to be constructed of 1 inch by 6 inch redwood boards placed flatwise one on top of another with one inch space let"t between each boead, the whole to be thoroughly 1 04- cJ _~ I t "~.. -"'_~_,"'_~"_~"f_''''''=''''',,",'''''''M'''''_''''___'f'Er!lfm..! .' & -, '~@."-fI< ~.=",,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,iW;-'_ __ ""''''"'.''",,:~~.-- ;~__-"_'~''''''''"",,,"4~~=&;T.'''~,,"~'~;Q-,,c,C',,;;,=':Clj;_~..-=-rr_'m:,,c";'".,,= .,:;;0 ~',c,~ "0&>.# '. '\l...~,,~~ -.... braced on the inside, and to be covered with planking to keep material passing over the forebay from fallin~ therein, and that the Mayor or said City of Gilroy be and is hereby au- thorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared and investigations to be made, and in the name or said City of Gilroy to sign and file such application with the said State Board of Health. Vote, Aye~, Chesbro, Brown, Hadtke, Schemel. Noes, Non~. Absent, fJester and :\lartin. The regular monthly bills wrer read and by motion of Schemel, seconded by Chesbro and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of Warrants allowed, $2384.80, General Fund. The Clerk was requested to address a letter to Attorney Ed. Rea in regard to forwarding the findings in the case of the City of Gilroy vs. Thos. Kell. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. ~'(/ CJ. cJ 1 ,/' /'--~" '- , Ci t1Jnerk. ,