Minutes 1921/05/02 -[ '-'.'/'-'''"""~-~''_'.'''''''~''''''''''__'_~'''''"'C!''~'''"~'.'''~''''''' ;"~"'''*''''''''''~~~''''''-''''-~''''"'''''''P.c""*,,,'''- 04- u _" Gilroy, Calif., May 2nd, 1921. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by his Honor ~,Iayor Jas. Princeval,le. Present Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, Wm. Radtke, R. M. Martin, Chas. W. Schemel; absent Councilmen A. W. Brown, C. C. Lester. Radin & Cupich presented petition to construct a two-story concrete building on South Monterey Street, and by motion or Schemel seconded and carried sa:f.d permit was granted. The Clerk presented statement of Coast Counties G~ and Electric Co. of percentage due the City also request l that same be returned for corrections. The Clerk in- strueted to return statement for correction. Marshal and License Collector and City Cle~k pre- sented reports and by motion of Martin, seconded and carried said reports were accepted and ordered placed on file. 0S J'_J.:"c By motion of Schemel, seconded by Martin and carried the f'ollo\fing Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, Wm. Radtl<e, H.. M. Martin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, None; Absent, Councilcen C. C. Lester, A. W. Brown. RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED hy the J!ayor and Common Council that all sidewalks within that part of the City of Gilroy here- inafter particularly described be paved and curbed with cement concrete according to the specifications prescribed by Ordinance No. a05 of the City of Gilroy, and the on at about the first Monday on October of the year 1921, it is the intention of the Mayor and Common Council to pass such Ordinances and resolutions as may be necessary in order that such sidewalks be paved and curbed in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of California rela- tlve to paving ani curbing sidewalks within cities. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the property owners of the City of' Gilroy be given from the time of the passa~e of this resolution until the first Monday in October with- in which to cause the sirlewallcs in front of their respect- lve pieces of property to be paved and curbed under private contracts, and that all sidewalks paved and curbed on grade and in accordance with the terms of Ordinance No. 305 will be accepted by the City. All sidewalks unpaved and uncurbed by the owners will be paved and curbed by the City or Gilroy under contract let under the provisions or the State Laws relative thereto. The sidewalks of the City of Gilroy which are to be paved and curbed include all sidewalks within that portion of the City bounded on the North by the centtr line of First Street, on the East by the center line of Monterey Street, on the South by the center line of Ei~hth Street, and on the West by the center line of Hanna Street. ALSO: All sidewalks within that portion of the City of Gilroy described as follows: Beginning in the center line or Monterey street where the same is intersected by the 36 "- ~;o, ;< ~"'i""~ \,.,~ '. - ~ center line or Second street; thence Easterly to the Easterly line or Monterey Street; thence South~rly and along the Easterly line of Monterey street to the Northerly line of Lewis Street; thence Easterly and along the Northerly line of' Lewis Street to the RasterIy line of Forest ~treet; thence Southerly and along the reasterly line of Forest Street to the Southerly line or Old Gilroy street; thence Westerly an~ a]on~ the South- erly line of Old Gilroy Street to the westerly lin~ of South- ern Pacific Company; thence Southerly anll alonj!: the Westerly line of Southern Pacific Company to the cent~r line of nepot Avenue; Thence Westerly along the center line of !Jepot Ave- nue to the center line of ~fonterey street, and thence Northerly and along the center line or Monterey Street to the place of be- t~inning. The Clerk was instructed to address communication in the name of the City to Hon. T. ~1. Wright an(l Hon. A. E. Osborn thanking them for their good work in connection with Assembly Bill No. 417. The matter of increased rire protection in the Northern section of the City was discussed but action deferred. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of S Schemel seconded and carried, allowed and warrants ordered :1:l" awn. Amount of bills allowed$1745.90 Water Works Imp. Fund #2 $70.30 Adjourned subject to the call or the Chair. &)c7~ ';/: i City CClerk.