Minutes 1921/06/06 31"""/ - I ,~- ~ Gilroy, Calif. June ~th, 1921. The regular monthly meeting of the Conunon Council was called to order by Uis Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present, Councilr.len Chesbro, IJester, ~rown, Radtke, Martin, Schemel; Absent, Councilnlen None. The minutes of meeting of May 2nd were read and ordered approved. Miss N. L. Ingham and Mrs. Elsie Johnson presented their resignations as members or the ~oard or Forestry and 'by motion of Chesbro, seconded and carried the same were accepted. J. F. Lusardi presented claim against the City for damage to automobile and the Clerk was instructed to reply. The Merchants Association presented communication ~ in regard to speeding on the streets. A petition signed by property owners on Fifth Street asking that said street be paved was presented and was referred to the street Comlnittee for investigation. The Fire Department Committee and Ii'ire Chief reported that permit had been granted Geo. ~Jilias to. repair roof of building on rear of Lot 13, Block 1 North, Range 1 West. Petitions to repair the brick building on rJot 13 also to build a two-story re-inforced concrete building on the Masonic Lodge Lot were presented and by motion of Schemel seconded by Martin, it was ordered: That permits be granted. The Marshal t s IJicense Report anlt the monthly report of the City Clerk were presented anti by motion o:f Schemel, seconded and carried, were ordered accepted and placed on f i Ie . Motion by A. W. l!rown, seconded by Martin aocl carried: That we have an Ordinance prepared to alter the parking system on Monterey street. The Clerk was instructed to write to Thos. Kell and ask him to remove rubbish rrom in rear of Chabot store. Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That we ad- vertise ror bids on laOO feet of 6 inch standard weight wrought iron water pipe undipped, one 10-inch ":... 38 \"" cast iron tee, one 10 - inch , k,.,.,....1!<~ r"'''''''l'lI! cast iron reducer 10 x 6, three ti-:lnch tees, two f'I-inch gate valves, also five fire hydrants specifying prices on single aml double with separate shut-ofrs on the two-way hydrants, all bids to be based on F. O. :8. Gilroy Calif. Said bide to be submitted up to 8:00 o'clock P.~. of Monday, June 20th. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of Schemel, seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of warrants allowed $2248.~4 General Fund. $e97.90 Waterworks Imp. Fund #2. Total warrants $294~.64. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. 5.- ~ (f /[) (). (), (JtC~. City Cle(/k. .