Minutes 1921/06/24 .....~~__"._~'<-"1'_.... "'~'''''''''.<~ .."_."_,,,~_,,,__~.,"i~,~"'-"",";'-"'~'_.""""'~'~, ."-",","""'~'$"""=<''''' Gilroy, Calif., June 24th, 1921. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Couneil or June 6th, 1921, was called to order by His Honor, Mayor Jas. Princevalle~ Present Councilmen C. C. Lester, W'm. Radtlce, R. M. Martin, Chas. w. Schemel; Absent Councilmen Elmer J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown. 'fhis being the time for opening the bi{ls t'or t'urnishing pipe and Fire Hydrants and by motion ot' Schemel, second- ed and carried, it was ordered that bids be opened. There were two bids presented, V1z: Gen. H. Tay Co. wi tb a cel'"tif'ied check in the amount of' $1R5. 00, and Robinson Hardware Co. With certif'ied checlc or $99.65. It was ordered that the bids be taken under advise- mente Invitation received from the Livermore StocJcmen's , Association presented and ordered acJrnowledged. Adjourned subject to the Call of the Chair. L~J cr D (2 < d, V l 0-1 U/2 , City CI~k.