Minutes 1921/07/07 0f) d.,~j Gilroy, Calir. Jult 7th, 1921. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to artier by Ilis Honor Uayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Counc ilmen Chesbro, Lester, Brown, Radtke, ~{artin, Schemel; absent Councilmen, None. The minutes of meetings of June f1th and June 24th were read and ordered approved. The matter of bills for furnishing water pipe and :fire h9drants came up for consideration and by motion of Martin, seconded by Schemel it was ordered: That all bids be rejected and certified checks returned to the bidders. Motion by Schemel seconded anll carried: That the .. Fire Department Committee be authorized to purchase the necessary fire hydrants. Monthly reports of Marshal and Clerk, quarterly re- POI'.ts of Treasurer and Clerk and yearly report of IJilJrarian were read and by motion of Schemel seconded and carried or(lered same were^filed. The regular monthly bills were then presented and by motion of Radtke, seconded amI carried, ordered allowed and warrants drawn. Amount of warrants allowed, $251R.74 on General Fund, $82.72 on Water Works Imp. Fund #2, Total Warrants $2601.46. l'he Clerk was ins truc ted to adcIress a letter to Andrew Jensen, Fresno, and thank him for favors shown the Sewer Department Committee. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. ~~% @;~/2~,