Minutes 1921/08/01 40 "~ -"" ""~-"~ "''''4'l'11l1 ',,,, . -..... 1m11;;r:~ Gilroy, Cal. August 1st, 1921. The regular monthly meetin~ or the Connnon Council was called to oreler by His Honor ~'layor Jas. l'rincevalle. The minutes of meeting of July 7th were read and ordered approved. The Fire Department COmTIlittee and Fire Chief" re- ported that permit to make minor repairs to the olel Clavere building had been granted to H. I~. Atkinson. 'rhe monthly reports of the IJicense Collector and City Clerk were read and by Schemel seconded and carried ordered accepted anll placed on file. The City Assessor presented Assessment Book for the years 1921 and 1922. By motion or Martin seconded by Brown and carried the Clerk was instructed to publish notice or the meetings of the Board of Equalization for the dates, viz: Tuesday, August 16th, Thursday, August Inth, 'ruesday, August ~!~rd, Thursday, August :~5th, and Tuesclay, August 30th, 1921. By motion or Yartin, seconded by Chesbro and carried: Ordinance No. 309 was passed after having been read and re-read by title as follows: TITLE. AN OHDINAN'CE AMENDING SI~Cl'ION fi1 OF OROINANCE NO. 21p 014' '1'11l~ CITY OF GILROY HELA1'IVg TO SEWERS, PLU~mING AND DHAINAGE. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen J~. J. Chesbro, A. w. Brown, n. :,;. ~artin, Chas. W. Schemel Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen C. C. IJester and Wm. naclt);::e. The rc,!!;ul'ar mOllt111y bills were read and by motion of Schemel secomled by ~~artin allowed amI warrants orclered drawn. Amount of wa.rrants allowed, $2250.07 Adjourned su~ject to the call of the Chain. GCO 91(oq E/t City Clerk.