Minutes 1921/08/18 -'. -- .- ~~~--","~'~'""-""",."..'''''''" 41 Gilroy, Calir., Aug. IR, 1921. 'l'he regular adjourned meetinp; or the Common eouncil or AuV;. 1st, 1921, was called to order by His Honor ~ayor Jas. Prince- valle. Present Councilmen I.ester, Drown, Chesbro, Schemel ; Absent Councilmen Hadtke, Martin. The Mayor announced that this was the date set ror the f'iJ"st meetinp; of' the Board of' Equalization. Motion by Schemel, seconded by Brown and carried: That we adjourn as a Common Council an(l re-convene as a Roarll :for the Equalization 01' taxes. No complaints \fere made at this sessirll1 01' the Hoard. G~ :~(1~' ~