Minutes 1921/08/30 ~~"'!i! .""".,_~: 4:1 Gilroy, Calir., Aug. ~Oth, 1921. The rinal meeting or the Board of Equalization was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Lester, Drown, Hadtlce, Schemel; Absent Councilman Martin. At the meeting or the Board on August 25th, 1921, a repre- sentative or Miller & IJux, Incorporated appeared amI maclc com- plaint respecting the valuation placecl on the lots in the West- ern addition of the City amI the complainant was present at this session and stated its cause before the Board. By motion or A. W. Brown, seconded by C. W. Schemel, it was ordered that the valuation placed on said lots by the Assessor be reduced by $7000. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chesbro, Lester, Brown, Hadtke and Schemel j Noes, CounCilmen, None; Absent Councilnlan Martin. Motion by v. w. S~hemel, Secoll!led by C. C. Lester that we adjourn as a Board ror the Equalization or Taxes. c' /J (/(~!! hVf~, City Clerk{j