Minutes 1921/09/06 42 ~ x nilroy, Cal., Sept. 6th, lq21. -- -' !'It. ~- ~ The regular monthly meeting of' the Common Council "as called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. ~rincevallc. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Lester, Radtke, Schemel; Absent Councilmen Brown, Hartin. 'rhe minutes of meetings of' August 1st an:l August 1Rth amI Aup.:- us t 30th were read anli orderecl a pllroved.- , The monthly reports of the ~arshal and Clerk were read and by motion of Lester, seconded and carried orclered aCCel)tc(l and place(l on file. The Committee on computing tax rate ror the years 1921-1922 recommemlcll a rate of $1.00 on each $100. of assesse<l property to be apportioned as follows: General Fun(l .:i0, 1.1 brary Fund . 09fi, He\lempt1on of' Bonds of 1905 .128, Street Improvement Bond Fund ,160, Waterwol'ks Imp. nond Fund No. 2 .116. By motion of' Schemel, seconded by Radtke, it was ordered that the tax rate as recommende(l by the Committee for 19~21-1922 be hereby atlopted. Communications from T,eague of Calif'1rnia Munictpali ties and Raisch Imp. Co. in regard to repairs to paving presented. :.lotion by Hadtl{e secomlezl and carrieel that City Heal th nf'f'icer J. W. Thayer be sent to the League Convention at Santa Monico. W. G. li'itzgeralll, ?residcnt of the Boarcl of Fire Delegates appeared bef01'c the Council and spoke relative to the City givin~ a banquet to the firemen. Motion by Lester seconded and carried1. That the City furnish the f'iremen with a banquet at the time the Chief ami assistants are installed. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion or r;cbemel, anrl carrierl ordered allmverl am.l warrants ordere(l drawn. Amount of warrants allm'(ed $ 2479.1'7 f'1eneral Fund, $ ~01.10 Waterworks Imp. Fuml No.2, Tota.l \;'arrants, S ~7R01047 Adjourned subject to tbe call of' the ChaIr. ~7r;,-- G. :f v', ) . . /' City GIerk.