Minutes 1921/09/19 43 Gilroy, Cal., Sept. 19, 1921. The regular acIjourncd meetin,f.!; of the Common Council of Sept. (l, 1921, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. ~rincevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, nrown, ~,[artin, Schemel; Absent COlDlcilmen Lester, Hadtke. By motion of ~rartin, seconded by Schemel and carried the follow- ing Hesolution was adopted: BE rf Hh:SOLV)~O and it is hereby determined by the Mayor amI Com- mon Council of the City of Gilroy that the public interest an(l ne- cessity deman(ls that the Electric Light amI power distributint! sys- tem and the gas generating and distributing system of the City of .ilroy, including the 70 horse pmver boiler and the buildinl?:s in which sail! gas generatinp.; system is situate(l, but exclucling the land upon which said gas generating plant is located, be sold, and the proceeds of such sale be applied as follows:- 40 per cent. thereof for the purpose of making im- provements all'l additions to the water system of the City of Silroy, 40 per cent. thereof for the purpose of makingim- provements a.nd extensions to the selfer system of' the City of Gilroy. 20 per cent. thereof for the purpose of making im- provements to and purchasing apparatus ror the Fire Department of the City of Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, CouncilrrH~n 1'1~. .r. Chesbro, A. w. Brmfn, H. ~,!. Mar- tin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, Ntine; Absent Councilmen c. C. IJester, Wm. Ra(ltke. Two assigne(l claims for service, watcllinrr, at the darn and assigned to the Bank of Italy \fere Jlresent(~d and hy motion of Schemel, seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of warrants allowed ~n4:4. 00 on the Waterworlcs Imp. Fund, =It.?. Adjourned subject to tbe call of tbe Chair. G::g:;:,