Minutes 1921/10/03 .!i._ Gilroy, Cal., Oct. 1, 1921. <~ >< u ", "- I-oj 44 The regular montllly meeting of the Common Council was called to orlier by His Honor ,\layor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Hacttke, ;'.tartin, Schemel; Ab- sent Councilman Lester. The minutes of meetings of Sept. 6th and Sept. 19th, 1921, were read and ordered approved. Sylvester Chantler presented petition for appointment as chemical 1 j driver and the same was ordere(l filed. Communication from the Influstrial Accident ([nsnrance Fund was re- ferr~d to the Finance Committee for investigation. ~iss Clara Boss presented request to remove certain trees on Jlanna Street and by motion of Martin, seconded and carried the request was granted. Monthly reports of ~[arshal and Clerk and quarterly reports, of lllarshal, Treasurer a11d Clerlr were read, and by motion of ~icher.lCl, sec- onded and carried, ordered accepted and placed on file. By motion of Schemel, secol1eled 1JY :Uartin and carried, Orflinance No. 310 was passed after having been read and re-read by title as fol- lows: An Ordinance calling and providing for and giving notice of 1 J a Special Election to be held in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, on Tuestlay, the ~~5th (lay of Oc toller, 1921; The object being to submit to the qualified electors of saiel City, a proposi tion of se1linp.; the electric li,!!;ht and power (l1strihuting sys- tern antI the g-as l!;eneratin~ system of the City of Gilroy, includjll1!.' the 70 horsepower boiler an(1 the building: in which said gas generatin.lr s:rstem 11s situated, but exclU(ling: the lanet upon which saici gas gener- ating plant is located, and of applying the proceeds of such sale to making improvements and ad(litions to the \"ater System, the newer Sys- tom and the 1"ire Department or the City of' Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Cheshro, A. w. Drown, Vim. Radtke, H. ~. ~artin, ~has. V. Schemel; Noes, CounCilmen, None; Ahsent Coun- cilman C. C. Lester. J. .M. 1Lul1en presented peti tionto maJee changes in but Idinp.; in the fire limits, and by motion of Chesbro, seconded and carried said permit was p.;ranted. By motion of "artin seconded amI carri~d a perroi twas orltered is- sued to (~eo. ~lilias to build a hotel hut Idtnp.: corner of ~,ronterey and Sixth Streets. ;Iotion by nadtJ~c, sccondecl and carried: That the ~treet Com- 45 mittee be 'empowerecl to purchase materials for bri(lr.:e near the cattle corrals. 'fhe regula.r monthly bills were read and by motion of ~,lartin, seconded and carried orderc(l ullowe(l un(I warrants (Irawn. i1mOtlnt or warrants allowc(l, Genera.l Ji'und, * ~~!)2R. 51, 'Va ter~ <,. works 'Improvement Fund Number 2, $1547.26; Total warrants issued r;; 447:3.77. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. {; g ?2 a)/L&, C i t Y C 1 e rk , ,