Minutes 1921/10/18 45 Gilroy, Cal., Oct 1'& 1021. 'fhe regular adjourned meeting of" the Common Council of' Oct. 3rd, 1921, was called t n oreler by I1is Honor 1>'.ayor Jas. J'rincel!'" valle. Present Cotmcilmen Chesbro, Brown, Haeltke, Martin, Schemel; Absent Councilman Lester. By motion of' C. W. Schemel, seconded by R. M. ~artin Ordinance No. 311 was passed af'ter having been read and re-read by title, as follows: An Ordinace repealing Ordinance No. ~10 of" the City of Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen 'E. J. Chesbro, A. \l'. Brown, "'m. Hadtke, H. M. Martin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilnen, Mone; Ahsent Councilman C. C. Lester. By motion of' R. V. Martin, seconded by Chas. W. Schemel, Or- dinance No. 312 was passed after having been read and re-read by title as follows: An Ordinance providin~ for, and ~ivin~ notice of' a special election to be held in the City of Gilroy, County of' Santa Clara, State of' Calif'ornia on Wednesday, the 9th day of' November, In21; the object being to submit to the qualif'ied el- ectors of said City a proposition of sellin~ the electric light and power distributing s,stem and the gas generating and distrib- uting system of' the City of Gilroy, inclucl1ng the 70 horsepower .' boiler and the building in which said gas generating system is situate(l, but excluding the land upon which sair1 gas genera.ting plant is located, and of' applytnp: the pr-oceerls of such sale to making improvements and ad~itions to the water Ryst~m, ~he Sewer - , System and the Fire Department of' the City of Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen F:. J. CheS1Jro, A. w. Brown, l\'m. Radtke, 1 ,46 I It. M. Martin, Chas. W. Rchenel; Noes, Councilnen, None; Ab- sent Councilman C. C. Lester. Motion by TImltke, seconded and carriecl: That th~ Street Corn- rui ttee be empower-crt to enp:ap:e the Baisch Im1p, Co. of ;~an Jose to re pair the Northern portion of :!onterey Street. Adjourned subject to the call of the ~hair. ~~!r' It .C:;. X U '" ......., .~