Minutes 1921/11/07
-r 46
~otion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That warrant in
the amount of' $3.50 be drawn in f'avor of' John .T. Cook.
The re~ular monthly bills were read and by motion of'
Hacl tlce, secondeil amI cnrr'te:l oril'~recl allowed ahd Warran ts
Amount or warrants allOi'ie(l S ~~fH.l. 6~l on General Fund, ::tnd
$67.70 on \'laterW'orks Imp. Fund #2; Total "Jarrants a llowe(l
A(ljournecl until Thurstlay
at 7: 3 0 l\). ;,1.
G q: f2~.
Ci ty ClerJ{.