Minutes 1921/11/10 47 , b Gilroy, Cal., Nov. 10th, 1921. The regular adjou~cd meetin~ of the Common Council of Nov. 7th, 1921, was called to order by His Honor ~ayor Jas. ~rince- valle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Lester, ~artin, ScheMel; Ab- sent Councilmen nrown, Radtke. The Yayor stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of canvassing the vote of the Special ~lection held on Nov. 9th, 1921. The ClerJ<: presented the report as made by the Special ~lect- ion Board and rrom this report we rind that 216 votes were cast in ravor or the 1st Proposition and 22 votes against the ~ropo- sition, and 235 votes in favor of the 2nd ~roposition and 15 votes against the Propositio~ By motion or C. C. Lester seconded by Chas. w. Schemel the follOwing nesolution was adopted: It appearing f'rom the elect- ion returns of the Special lUection hel(l in the City of' Gilroy} on the 9th clay or November, 1921, that the total number of vot8S cast was 261, and that 216 votes were cast in favor of the 1st Proposition submitted to the Jll:lectors of the City of r;ilroy, and that 22 votes were cast against said ~roposition, and that 215 votes "ere cast in favor of the 2nd l-roposition submitted to the ~lectors at said election and that 15 votes were cast against said 2nd Proposition. The ?liayor and Common Council .' of the City of Gilroy f'inds and declares that more than two- thirds of the votes cast at said Special Election were voted Yr~f:), and in favor of the 1st Jlroposi tion submitted, and more than two-thirds of the votes cast at said Special F::lection were voted YES and in f'avor of' the 2nd Proposition submitted to the Itlectors at said Special ~lection and that both of' saicl Propo- si tions were (luly carried. ;:;;;;;.. :..< ~ '-' r.::...... 48 Vote, Ayes, CounciIJ'l~n l'j. J. Ch~sbro, C. C. Lester, R. V. """'"'" ~lartin, Chas. \1-". Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent C ounc i lmen A. w. 'Brown, wm. It acl tke . By motion of Schemel, rlllly seconde(l and carrie(l bills of ~lection Officers amI that or T~ate l1raves ror assistinJr tax collector were allowed anrt warrants ordered .trawn. Amolmt of warrants allowed $Ro.OO on General Fund. By motion of H. }.l. }!artin, seconlied by C. C. I,ester Ordi- nance Number 313 was passed after having been raed and re-r~ad by title as follows: An Ordinance amending the :.iunicipal COIle of the City or Gil- roy by adding to Article 1, Chapter IV, Part II thereor a new section to be known as section 2~0 Jlrovidin~ ror the consoli- dation of Companies of the Fire Department. Vote, Ayes Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. C. IJester, H. ~I. '~artin, Chas. w. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; A'hsent Coun- cilmen A. W. Drown, wro. lladtke. Adjournecl subject to the call of the Chair. G~ ~~?(~. .