Minutes 1921/12/07 48 I' Gilroy, CuI., Dec. 7, 1921. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Uayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Drown, Hadtlce, Hartin, Schemel; Absent COl1ncilmen Cheshro, I.esteJ'. "J' v;; The minutes of meetin~s of Novemher 7th and,10th, 1921, 49 wer~ read and ordered a~proved. Health Officer J. w. Thayer apneared ~efore the Council re- gar{ling health matters, and the Ordinance Commit.t~e amI City At,- torney were re~uested to present an Or~inance dealin~ with the abatement of flies. By motion of' C. ,.'. Schemel, secomled by A. r. Brown, the filll- lowing Resolution was a~opted:- \dmUEAS, the .\;ayor a.nd Common Council of the City of Gilroy aid on the lAth day of Octo~er, 1021, adopt and pass f)rdinance No. 312 of the City of Gilroy, hein~ entitled "An Ordinance cal1- in~ and providing for and giving notice of a special election to he held in tbe City of' Gilroy, County of' Santa CIana, Sta.te of California, on Wednesday, the 9th day of Novenher, 1021, the ob- .1ect bein!!; to submit to the qualified electors of saitt ci ty a proposition of se llinr; the Jo~lec tric Li.ght amI .ower 'Hstri lmti nt! System and the Gas Generating and Distri lmting System of the City of' Gilroy, including the 70 horse power 1)oiler amI the lmil(lin,!" in which said Gas rrenerating: ~JystelIl is situate(t, but excluding the land upon which said nas Generating plant is locn.terl, and of applying the proceeds of such sale to making improvem~nts and n.d- ~itions to tho Water System, the Sewer ~ystem and the Fire n~- partment of the City or Gilroy." And wmmEAS, at the special election h~l(l in the City of' r.il- roy on the 9th day of' November, lU~l, pursuant to said nrdinanc~ ~q:2, more than two-thirds of the votes cast at saiel elction were ca~t in favor of sel1in;r eqch of the puhlic ntilities menttonecl in said Ordinance No. 3]2, and by sai~ vote, said electors did authorize the ~rayor and Common Conncil of the City of' (aIroy to sell the public utilities mentioned in said Ordinanc~ No. 112; NOW, l'm~m~FOHP;, Dr; IT lmf)nIN!"~D, That the City of' Gilroy se II the puhlic utili ties mentionecl in said Ordinance No. ~l~~, viz: The !nectl'ic Light amt J'-ower Distrihuting System or th~ Ci.ty of Gilroy and the Gas Generatin~ System of the Ci.ty of Gilroy, in- . eluding the 70 horse power boiler and the huilc1ing in which said Gas Generating System is situated, but ~:xcluding the land upon which said Gas Generating plant is located, and the Clerk of the Ci ty of Gilroy is h~reby authorized anfl directecl to cause notice to he published pursuant to neetion :1 of Chaflter ;")27 of the stat- utes of 1021, of' the State of California, giving notice that on 50 ,~ for ~ach of th~ puhlic utili ties h~retnhefore P1tmtionecl. All x u c.... ~ i',cilr;es,la,y, the ~;Rth day of Deceyr(ber, ]021, bills will he received hills must he in writing, suhscrihell hy the 'hill(ler, and l)e accon- Tlaniecl by a certH'ied ch~ck in t h~ sum of ~~10()O. on, payable to the Clerk of th~ City of Gilroy, and must b~ fil~d in the office of the City Clerk of the City of fHlroy, at his 01'f1ce in the city or Gilroy, on or l)erOre the hour of 7:10 ,!,.)f. of saill 2Rth, day or December, 1021. Votes, Ayes, Councih'en A. v:. Brown, \lIm. nacltke, R. \f. i-far- tin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, ~ohe; Absent Council- men ~. J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester. Reports of License and Tax Collector amI City Clerk present- ed, an~ by motion of Schemel, sconded an~ carried were ordered ac- cepted and placed on file. Hefluests for street lip"hts on corner of Seventh awl ',Japle Streets and Pirst and ~igleberry streets present~d and referred to th~ Lip;htinp.: Committee. The re1!;ular monthly bills were rea;l amI by Jflotton of 'fartin, secondecl by ~ichemel and carried allowe(l ancl warrants or~l~l'ed tlrawn. Amount or warrants allowed, 370:1. H9 on the Gener'ul Fund. Adjourned subject to the call or the Chair. rfJ' tr 1 / d 'r City Clerk. J." ..