Minutes 1921/12/28 , 50 Gilroy, Calir.,Dee2R, 1921 The regular adjourned 1feeting of the Common Council of December 7th, 1921. was call~d to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. PrinceTalle. Present Councilmen, Chesbro, Brown, ~artin, Schemel. Absent Councilmen , I~ester, Itadtke. This was the regularly advertised date ror offering bids i ror the~ sale or the Gas and Electric systems, and it was announced that there, two bids one f'or each. By motion of Schemel , Seconded by Martin,it was ordered, that the bids be opened. , , 9k ~~ ().~. y \1 51 , .52 Doth bIds Were malle by th~ COUGt COllntJ~s tlas and tUectrlc "- ~;,,-'. ~, -"" ...J...."II ,t--"Y"". \-., ,~ 1..,-'.... Co. bein~ $ROOO ror the ~as distribut1n~ system and $1AOOO "~ for the Electric system with cebtified checks in the amount of $2000 enclosed. By motion of Schemel, seconded aml cart'ied, it was ortlered that the two hir1s be laid over for rUl'ther consirleration . dotiOll by Chesbro, Seconiied by Jiabtin amI Council. 'fhat \'Te pure ljas~ 1000 reet oft eight inch corrU~a tedJ\ pipe. ~otion by ~hesbro, seconded and carried. That we accept deeci ,from Melburn Sanders t"or alley way through Blocl~ 1 South, Range 5 ~ast. Adjourned subject to the ~al1 or the chair. cFJ City 0lerk. iii'