Minutes 1922/01/03
-f 52
Gilr9Y, C~lit., Ja..~,1922.
The regular mo.thly meetiJlt!; ot the Common Gounctl wa~
called to order by His HOllor Wayor Jas. PrimceTalle.
Jl'resellt Cem.cilmen: Chesbro, Brow., Radtlre, Martin,
Absent Gou.cilDeJi!l, I,ester.
The minutes of' meetings ot nec. 5th, Dec. 6th, Dec. 7th
a.d Des. 28th, 1921, were read and ordered approTed.
Communication Crom the Ceast GoulIties Gas aRd Xlect~ic
CompaD, was read a.d ordered placed o. tile.
Petitio. .t H.T.KaYDsk f'or appointment to positio. of'
nightwatchmaB presented;~otion by ehesbro, seconded and
carried: That H.T.Vayockis hereby appointed Ri~htwatchman.
~o.thly reports of Uarshal aDd Clerk and quart~rJY reports
fJf Treasurer and Clerk w~r~ reart and by motion,.fjf ~..hernel
seconded and serried same were ordered a6eepted and placed
OJl tile
By motion or llartiR, seconded by Schemel and earried it
was erdered , That the City accept the bid of the Coast
l,;ewaties Qas and Electric Company tor the Gas distrihuting
system, aDd that the City Attorney is hereby instructed to
prepare Contrast and submit same to the eouncil.
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Vote, Ayes Cou:ft.ilrleJl J:.J.Cheshl'o, A.w.nrmrn, WJ:1. Hadtke,
R.M..Marti~, Chas. ~. ~.hemel: Noes Couneilrnen, None:
Absent COUlllczilmen: C.C. IJ~ster.
By motion of Uartin, seeonded by Radtke, Jud~e J.V.Hees.h
was appoililted .P'oli.e Judge tor the City of Oilrey for the
e''8uing year.
The regulap monthly bills were read and by motion ot Schemel,
se.onded amd earried order"':] allowed.
.A..count or warrants allowed . 1876.85 on the General Fund,
$ 591.25 OR Water Works ImproTernent FURd, NO.2. Total Warrents
$ 2468.10
Adjourned subje~t tal-
the call of the .hair.
City CliJk.