Minutes 1922/08/07 75 r.ill'OY, Calif., AUG. 7th, 192~~. 1'he regular monthly meeting o:f the Common Council was called to order by His Honor }layor Jas. Princevalle. Present, Counci.lmen E. J. Chesbro, c. C. Lester, A. W. Brown, \Vm. Radtke, Clles. W. Schemel; Absent, Counvulmen Gerald Hecker. The minutes o:f July :lrd and July 19th were read and orclerecl approved as corrected. Communications receive<l from state Board of' Health relative to Ijeague meeting at Palo Alto also f'rom the Gilroy r:pworth Lea~ue in re:ference to the liquor traf':fic in this City. Bruno Reice presented bid :for cleaning carpet but no action taken. The City Assessor hancled in the Assessment Roll for the years 1,.922 and. 1923. ~,lotion by Schemel secol1l1ecl ancl carriell: That the Roll be accepted ancl that the Clerk is hereby instructed to aclvertise the meetings ur the Board of Equalization as follows: Au~. 22, , Aug. 25th, 4ug. 29th, Sept. 1st, and Sept. 5th, 1922. ~Iotion by Schemel seconded and carried: That a charge o:f $1.00 be made hereafter :for r~placing a water meter. Councilman B. J. Chesbro excused. By motion o:f Schemel secon(le(l by Hadtke amI carrierl, ()rdinance No. 118 was passecl a:fter having been read a.nd re-read by title as follows! TI'rrJE. AN ORDINANCE Ar.H<:NDING Sli;CTION 240 OF ARTICLE III OF CHAPTEH IV OF PAnT II OF TlIE J.IUNICIPAL CODE OF 'rHT~ CITY OF GILHOY. ESTADIJIEHI- ING DISTHICTS OF TIlE CITY OF' GILROY INlH TIlT<; PUHPOSE OF nUII,DING REGULATIONS. Vote, Ayes, C. C.,Lester, A. W. Brown, WJIl. RadtJ{e, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen None; Absent, Councilmen Gerald Hecker and ~. J.Chesbro. ;\lotion by Brown secomted a.nd carrieel: 'fhat the Vi ty Attorney is hereby instructed to prepare a notice of intention to :force the laying o:f sidewalks. 76 Heports of' ~rarshal ami Clerk reacl amt orclerecl f'tled.. .~ ~Iotion by I,ester secon<lell an(l carried: Tha t the CJ Ar};: l)e :>< ...- ,..,I I.:..., ~ instructed to advertise f'or 7GOO pouncls of' caullUng lead. an(t HlO pounds of' plumbers oaJnUD, saict bitls to he opencel on August 22nd, 1922. The regular monthly bills were then read an~ by motion of Schemel seconde(l amI carried were allowed anrt warrants or(lerecl drawn. .A.lnOlmt of' Warrants allowed, $2289.11 pn the General Fund, ~48.65 on Sewer Dept. Imp. Fund #1; total Warrants $2117.76 Adjourned subject to the call of' the Chair. c:~~r- "