Minutes 1922/10/09
Gilroy, Calir., Oct. 9th, 192~.
The regular a(ljourned meeting or the Commr)n Council of Oct.
2nd, 1922, was called to order by His Honor ~ayor Jas. Prtncevalle.
Present, COlU1ctlmen CheSbro, Brown, Hecl{cr, Schemel;
Absent, Councilmen, None.
Chas. E. Sloane appeared berore the COllilCil in Matter or
laying sewer line on Old Gilroy Street.
~latter or water charge at the Gramm~.r School taJcen up.
The Clerl{. was instructo(l to a(l(lress the School Roar(l as :rollows:
The City will meter all water lines except the 4-inch line to
be uso(1 :ror :rire purposes only anll f'urt'ler agrees that the s~hool
board be allowed to install said 4-inch line with proper hydrants
attached thereto ror rire prot~ction purposes.
Adjournel subject to
the call of' the Chair.
t:: ~JM/).