Minutes 1922/10/30 83 , Gilroy, Cali~., Oct. 30th, 1922. '.rhe regular a(ljourned meeting of the Common Council of Oct. 27th, 1922, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Pribcevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, , lIecJcer, Schemel; 84 Absent Councilman Hadtlm. The object or the meeting was ror the purpose or openin~ bids for furnishing fire apparatus. Moti on by Chas. W. Schemel seconcted by Gerald Heclrer and carriwd: That bids be opened. The bids are now on file in the office of the City Clerk and with accompanying certified checks were as follows: American La France Fire Eng. Co., check $l~OO.OO; The Seagrave 6ompany, check $l~OO.OO; 'fhe Stutz J.;'ire J~~ng. Co. Bid Bond in the sum of $1500.00 Fideli ty and :.leposi t Co. of ~farylaml, Surety Vic Poncelet, Check $576.00. "\11 Bids taken under allvismpent Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. City Clerk. , ~.:;;. ~~ T"O " 1,'- ~