Minutes 1922/12/04 87 ~ilroy, Calif., D2C. 4th, 1022. fhe regular monthly meetin~ of the Cmnmon Council was ca11~~ to or,ler by His Honor ;.[ayo1' .Ja:;;. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Cheshrn, Fredrickson, Brown, Ra~tke, Hecker, Schemel; Absent CouncilrlEm, None. The minutes of meetings of Nov. nth a.ll'l Nov. 14th were reait aml ol'llered a.pprovecl. The ;Jayor arfloillte(l t~le followin!!: (nan(l:tn[!; Committees ~ Ways and. ~reans COlID1Ji ttee c. ~. Fredrickson, ~. J. Chesbro, G. Hecker. T" . .I.' lnance Committee C. E. Fre,lrickson, C. '.IT. Schemel, A. W. Brown. Orcl.inance Committee C. W. Schemel, Wm. Hatltke, !~. .r. Cheshro. !i'ire Dept. Commit.tee G. Hecker, C. i~. l?rellrickson, WI']. Ha(ltke. Police Committee .L W. :1rown, i~. .r. CheslH'o, C .8. T"rellrickson. Water COlllll1ittee G. W. ;.;chemel, B. J. CheshY'o, A. W. Drown. Street Dept. Committee A. w. Brown, C. w. Schemel, TI:. J. Cnesnro. ;-;ewer l,;ommittee i~. J. Chesl1ro, wm. fladtke, C. g. Fre(trickson. Li~htin1?; Committee Wm. Ha(ltke, A. W. Brown, G. Hecker. nu.-il<linp;s ...:: G rouHlls Committee Win. Ha(ttke, C. ~. F'rellriclcson, G. Hecker. '\. ;,1. Thomas presontcll. c 0l11J1mnica tion askinf~ for reltuc t i on in license fee for last quarter ancI. the same was orciered re(111co(1 to :~4. 00 ::?eti t:lon asking pen'1ission to 1'1.l.k~ changes in the n]'l ')l1n- lap barn on nl(l Gilroy Street pr~sentell by !lomen Paganucct, unrt "by motion of Hecker clnly secon'le(l a.n11 carrie(l the lleti tion was refused. neports of ~rarsl1al and Ci ty C ler]c were react anl1 l)V Jl1otion of Chesbro secoml.ed an(l carrie!l wel'C orflerell accented an't f'Jled. The regular Monthly bills were read and hy motion of qchemel, secondo(l amI carriecl litr(lered al10we(1 an'l warrants cl'l"awh. Amount of hills allowed '~22RO.R7 on General Fuml. ilotioll by Chesbro, secoTHlccl an(1 carriecl: That certifiecl c!wck of V. Poncelnt filed with fire a.p"!1aratus bill l)e turne(1liJver to the Bank of Italy upon deposit of o~ler. G !l (/~C~/ >} City ~erk. /.1 Atljourne(l subject to the call of the Chair. , '- I.' ....1: ',: