Minutes 1923/06/04 r 124 Gilroy, Galif., ,June 4th, 192~. 'rhe regular monthly meeting 01' the Common Connctl was call- {~,' to order by His Honor ~rayor Jas. Princevallc. Present Councilmen E. .r. Choslwo, C. '8. Frf~d1"icI\:son, A. w. Brown, Gorall1 HeckeI', CTlas. W. Schemel; A 1Jsent Wh\:. ,; Ra(l tke . TIle minll to:,> or meetin{!:s n.f :iay 7th an(1 Hay 14th, 192~, wer(~ 1"8:1.1 :tn,l ar,:l(~l'eil approvoll. Cmmnunicd. tion .from ',onthern ";l.cific Company re la ti vc to t~e noeDS ,lty or extra fla~ men was prcsente~. City El1:~ineer' II. :1. Fisll(~1" present-ell estimate of' tlH~ cost of' renewlL; ant (tilcU.tions tn tly; w;1t0.)" sy::;tmn. ;,loti on IJ;7 Che shro, secnncle:t 1JY Heck(~!~ ;mcl cal~j'i e,l' Tha t propoi~al:l fOl~ :rurnishin~ S8\'il~Y' pipe lJn opcJ10.(1 an(l wwr'c as follOi~s: C1w.ppcll t\ Co., :,Jartin IIcl'w. Co. amI ~1anJ r:, ne , ; ;.lni~e . Rcportfl of T,jC(~~:H; Coll(~ct()r, Cit;v Clcr!c ;1'11 Cit~, rratc'" Collecto):'" weron rea.l anrl by Illation of Hcci.::er, duJ ~7 sf)cnl1rlc'l an~ carrie~ t~c ~8me were accepted and ordered placea on rile. i'he Git:y :~tt~)~~rw:'!l ""t'> l'1.;', ":ctf'.:l to talcc up t~le matter or certain supuosell omissions in estimate with the Ci ty gngtneer. :,10 ti on by Chesbro, :weoD(lcJ -oJ:" :~ehene 1 ani!. carr;. n:1 t'lat proposal f)f G. .i. Chappell ::: Co for furnishinp.; sewer -pipe be accepteli. :Iatter of' appointment of Inspector of' electJ'lc wt}~i.n.~ i. \',a:-; ref'cl'l'i),l to t.he Lightin,q; COlTIn1 tte.; " 'Totion .by Heckr;r, sccn:r:lc(l anti carriccl' Tlw.t peti. tioT! of' John 71'c :";.11:0U to renove the rerl house to the North st\le of' Tlri I'll Street he ref'use(1. Vote, ,i.yes, Coum~ilmen Cheshro, f.'rerlric]:soll, TIrown, Hecker'; Noes, Conncilmen, None; Absent Conncilluan Wm. Ha,l tke . 1!2~ .~_ .J<.'; The rA~ular nont~ly bills were read Wla by motion or ,C;chell1el, secol1llell an 1 c;;,rr-ie,l "rern orle;~e(l allowed amI wal.'rantslr,twn. .'1l1!onnt of l.lal'pants allow<.>,l S 2299. fJR on t'1n lieneral FUn!l. .i.'tjourneJ .'~Hhject tn the c~ll of the Chair. ~:y(/(o "l'+~r (']~ " _ -'.' "..01,. "