Minutes 1923/06/08 n"" /'. _~';t_._l Gilroy, Calif., .June R, 1q2~. The regular acljonl"ne(l meetinp.; of' the Comma!'! COll1"cil ,of Jane 4th, 192~, was calleel to orrler by fUr; Honor 'faym" Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Brown, H.;vltke, Hecker, '"1clv~!l1el; A b- sent Councilmen Chesbro, Fredrickson. II. B. Fisher, City Rngincer made report on a~~itions to the Water System. i,'!otion hy HecI-::cr, secnntIe(l hy ;>ChCl;lCI antI cal'rie<l: That City Sngincer's reporL be'~laccd on file. i,lotion by Hecker, se (~oJ1;le,l ,uHl carri(~l: :Chat permi t to move retl 110use 1)e ,~rante(l to ;[1". an t '11"S. .John Fref~'1on npn- viLIeu that the l)On(l of' $1500.00 be ,lepositcll \YtPI th~ City and tlla.t they move saill hull11inl~ awl in repairing same COP]r- ply with all the terms in tlle neti tion rresen Lor~. on Pds (late ,: 'G. South'3rn Paeif'ic Co. presented "orrniJtrhica tion re:,!:arrl- ing heuge along the ri~ht of' way. Chas. E. Sloan presfmte,l l'W1101't on sewage (lisnor;al Tllant and same was ordered placed on file. .\.djourne,l subject to the cuil of the Chair. ~{ !ffAK/. ,.