Minutes 1923/06/13 -'l!n~. " /, ~;~,_~.J ;t<,_"" Gilroy, Galti'. June 11, 1!)2:1.. '.l'he regular ..L.1ti ),l"ll'~ l J;l;ctillg of the Common COltnct 1 of" June Rth, 1921, was ca.lle(H to orcler by His Honor 'Iayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Fredrickso}), Hadtke, Hecker, Scllemel, Absent Councilmen Chesbro, Brown. Motion by Hecker, seconded and carried that the Police r COlomi ttee be empowereel to employ Hr. ~ri:r:rin as Uotor police 126 .~ :la t tel' of cmplo,vin{T extra polic~ for nip.;Jlt service ;A-~ ""'T'.,~ \..,I ,. \,...~, Ioo..o~'\ commencing with TI8xt ~;on(lay. tluring tlH~ Druirl' s C onven tion 1'81'01'1'0(1 to the Police COlnJn1ttee with Dower to act. ~,lotiol1 l)y IIecker, sr:conrlerl. amI cal'y'ie<l: 'fhat we l~e- quest 01 t;v '~n:,!;inccr' Ft:<;ncr' to come 1:.0 Gill'O;V ant m;l:ce a ;3Ul~vey and estimate of repairing water mains a.nlI service connections in the City of Gilroy and of new mains where neC(~Ssal'Y . Adjourned subject to the call of' the Chair. C/' ~) J:1 J frrrqc Or ( . /, Ci ty Cl?:&Jc. ,.