Minutes 1923/08/06 1_-2:\) Gilroy, Ca1., Aug. 6th, 1923. '.rhe regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was ca11- ed to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princeva11e. Present Councilmen Fredrickson, HadtJee, Hecker, Schemel; Absent Councilmen Chesbro, Brown. The minutes o~ meetings o~ July 2nd and July 13th were read and ordered approved. Chas. E. Sloan presented report on finances, etc. in con- nection with sewer improvement, and by motion o~ Hecker, seconded and carried said report was ordered placed on ~i1e. Heports o~ I~icense Collector, City Clerk and Water Co1- lector were reacl, an<1 by motion of Hecker, duly seconded and carried same were ordered accepted and placed on file. By motion of Hadtke, secomled by Fredrickson the ~ollow- ing aesolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVlm, By the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that a vote of appreciation and thanks be ex- , tended to the Board o~ Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, for the valuable service rendered by the Board of Su- pervisors to the City of Gilroy by reason of said Board tak- ing over and paving First Street and Old Gilroy Street in said City. Vote, Ayes Councilmen C. E. Fredrickson, Wm. Radtke, Ger- l1~O "...J I '~''''''''''~--~'''''''"''''''-''',.,_'_- """_''''-_''~'''''''~~'-',_;;;:;_,.....~"",'''''~'_~i''''"":C''"'''~~~~''''~\'''-''''~,~,,,,*~''''''~~~2.=';C9=~.,:w""~<i;~.i".;IIIl..o.',,,;rl'i'-""~~"!,-~"')~,~_~"'I7=~a:,'~'-"J.~=-,;;."'~""~",,~,,,~,:,,:> .;:.", aId Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; :-J< ,~,~ 1..1 . ...~7~ "-".,...""',., Absent. CouncilJllen E. J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown. By motion of Hadtke, seconded anel carried, it was duly ordered: That Southern Pacif'ic Company be directed to put in sidewalk, culvert and street pavin~ on Old Gilroy Street. The Clerk is hereby instructed to notify the Company of the orller. The Clerk and Assessor presented Assessment Book for the years 192:J and 1924. ~)y motion of Fre(lric}eson, sec- onlled by Hecker an(l carried that same he accepted, and the meetings o:f the Boar(l of Equalization be set for the :following dates: Aug. 21st, Aug. 24th, Aug. 28th, Au~.. 31st and Sept. 4th, 1923, and that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise the meetin~s of said Board. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Fredrickson, scomled anfl carried ordered allowed and war- rants drawn. Amount of warrants allowed $2712.98 on the General Ftd.; $ 475.48 on Sewer Uept. Imp. Fund # 1; Total warrants, $3208.46. Motion by Schemel, scon,led amI carried that $5.00 be the minimum charge on a 4-inch meter and that 30,000 gal- Ions be allowed aml excee(ling that amount be chargerl for at regular rates. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. hl./ 19. ejl City Clerk. ~