Minutes 1923/08/17
Gilroy, Cal., Aug. 17th, 1923.
The regular adjourned meetin~ of the Common Council of
Aug. 6th, 1923, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas.
Present Councilmen Chesbro, Fredrickson, Uadtke, Sch.::
emel, Absent, Councilmen Brown, Hecker.
I This being the meeting for the canvass of the vote cast
at the Special Election held on August 14th, the Clerk pre-
sented the report of the Election Boards at Gilroy Precin-
cts, No's. 1 and 2.
By motion of Chas. W. Schemel, seconded by wm. Radtke
the following motion was passed: The Mayor and Common
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Council of the City of Gilroy having canvassed the re-
turns of the vote cast at the Special Election held in the
City of Gilroy on the 14th day of' AU1l;ust, 1923, do hereby
~ind amI declare that 152 votes were cast in favor of and
38 Totes cast against the propositioR submitted to the el-
ectors of the City of Gilroy anll voted upon at said elect-
ion, an,1 that said proposition was duly accepted and adopt-
ed by two-thir(is of the voters voting at said Speoial Elect-
ion, and that said proposition was duly carried.
By motion of Ohas. E. Fredrickson, seconded by Chas. W.
Schemel the following resolution was passed:
.WUEUEAS, at a special election held in the City of (;t]-
roy on the 14th day of AU1l;ust, 1923, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Ordinance No. 324 of the City of Gilroy, the to-
tal number of votes cast on the proposition submitted, viz:
"Shall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded debt to the amount
of $ 87,000. for the purpose of the acquisition, construct-
ion and completion of a municipal improvement, namely; the
repairing of water mains amI service connectionso:f the Ci'ty
of Gilroy; the installation of new water mains at all
places where the present water mains are unfitted for use or
are inadequate to supply the wants of the residents of said
City, and also where no water mains now exist; and the in~
stallation of meters ami meter boxes on all water serviee
connections of the City o:f Gilroy; such debt to bear int~r-
cst at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-
annually," was one hun(lred and ninety (190) amI that of said
one hundred ami ninety (190) votes so cast, one hunlIred and
fifty-two (152) thereof were cast in favor of said proposit-
ion and thirty-eight (3R) thereof were cast a1l;ainst the said
proposition, and
WHEllEAS, due notice of said election was given and said
election was helcl at the time amI in the manner as required
by law ami said Ordinance No. 324 of said City of Gilroy, and,
WHEREAS, said election was legally and fairly conducted and
the returns thereof were (iuly amI re1l;ularly ma(le to the Mayor
and Connnon Council of the said City of Gi lroy, anll said re-
turns have been duly canvassed by said Mayor an(t Common
Council, as required by law, anli,
WUEHEAS, the total number of' votes cast at said special
election on saia proposition was one hundred and ninety (190)
and two-thirds thereof were in favor of such proposition
an(l of incurring the imlehtedness in said proposition
NOW, THEltEFORE, BE IT RESOLVEn, That the said proposit-
ion was, and the Mayor and Common Council of the City or
Gilroy do hereby find and declare that said proposition was
duly accepted and adopted by the votes of' two-thirds of' the
voters voting at said special election, and that said propo-
sition was duly accepted by the qualified voters o~ the City
of Gilroy, and that the City of Gilroy is duly authorized to
issue bonds of sai(l City in the amount of Eighty-seven Thous-
and ($87,000.00) ;)ollars, as in Ordinance No. 324 fully set
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. R. Fre(lrickson,
Wm. Radtke, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Ab-
sent Councilmen A. W. Brown, Gerald Hecker.
By motion of Chas. W. Schemel, seconderl by E. .J. Chesbro,
the following Resolution was adopted, to-wit: Resolution of
the City Couneil of the City of Gilroy requesting chan~e in
the Hospital Site:
BE IT HESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy
WHEHEAS, the trustees under the will of Henry Miller, de-
ceased, now hold certain property in this city consistin~ of
five ( 5 ) acres in trust as a site for a charity hospital;
WlIEHEAS, by reason of changed concli tions the saifl site is
not now suitable for such purposeJ
NOW , THEREFORE, by reason of the premises, this resolu-
tion is to evidence the fact that this council joins witb
the said trustees in petitioning the court having jurisdict-
ion of said trust to pel~lit the said trustees to exchange the
said property now held by them for that certain real property
described as follows:
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of' land situate, ly-
ing and being in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,
State of' California, more particularly bounded and described
as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of
Second Street, if extended, with the extension of the wester~y
line of Carmel Street; thence along the northerly line of'
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Second Street, if extended, South 70 de~. West 346.00 feet
to the Gilroy City Limits; thence alon~ the Gilroy City
Limits, North 20 deg. West 629.48 feet; thence North 70 de~,
East 346.00 feet to a point on the westerly line of Carmel
Street, if extended; thence South 20 de~. east 629.48 feet
to the point of beginning, being a portion of Las Animas
Ranch Sub lot 37, according to the survey of A. T. Hermann
at the partition of Las Animas Rancho, containing 5.00
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. E. Fredrickson,
Wm. Hadtke, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Ab-
sent Councilmen A. W. Brown, Gerald Hecker.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the Chair.
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City Cler~