Minutes 1924/02/04
Gilroy, Calif., Feb. 4, 1924.
The re,eular monthly i~eetinp: of the Common Council ',V'as
callf~tl to or,ler ~y 1I1s Honor :'!ayor Jil'S. !J~incevalle.
Present Councilnen l~. J. Cheqbro, C. 8. Fre~rickson, A. W.
Brown, Wm. ,ladtke, r.eraltl Hecker, elMS. W. ~,chemel; Anscnt
Councilluen, None.
The :ninut.es or I:tec ting of .January ~lth wet'c rea~l .tlltl n1"'ller--
cd a rrproTell.
The reports of License Collect.or, Welter Collectnr and City
Clerk \Tere reall .1n,l 11y motion of H'~cker, seconrlwl "hy Frcctrick-
son au,l carrie'l ordercfl aceept(~\l a.nl placef! on rt le.
~Iot ion "hy Fr,~lirickson, secowlerl "hy Hecker :1.n1 carrllYl:
That pe rIOt t. to cons t.r-uc t ne\v lmt l'Una: on Honterey Street be
gra.nted. to 2. Hartin Johnson antI 1nsie H. Johnson.
By motion of C. i~. Ii'rellrickson, t"'~c'~:lle(l 1)y Gerald Hecker
anll ca,rrtel Orllinanc(~ Number '127 wa.s passc1l a.fter haTin~ been
reall ,111'1 re-rea(l by ti t l(~ as follmfs:
An i)rflinance ,lmenll n{!: Section 1 ant 11 of f)rrlinancc No.
190 relatin~ to the time an~ manner for the collection or
\'fa tel" clMrges.
Vote, .\.ye:" Councilm"~n l~. J. Chcsnl"o, C.
lS. Frellrick,~on, A. ~v. Brown, Wm. :latltke, rrcralcl !lecker, Chas.
w. ~:ichemel; Noes, C~uncill1en, None; Absent CouncIlmen, None.
.~he ~ayorl'aJe report on ~ar"hage disposal and state~ that
he Ilesire.l a Committee to tak~ up the sai:l y"attef" wit." 'alleY'
& Lux.
~.iotion by Geral(l HecJ{er, 3econ~lell by Chas. lIT. Schemel
anti carrtecl: 'fhat the Coa~:;t Co'mtics Gas & lUectric Co. be
~ "'"."""~.~;~4"""'>~<i.'>.:f.r.='_X~-i04,''''''-'""-7>__>=__..;-~,,,,.;l;W,'~'~Z;i;i:=;;;;::,"'%";~"->W.J)l~.;3~~$,*'~;,,St,,::,:':,-,:'.',.-,,<,V~;.j:,~>,-.,~':.-M:-"''''''-''fl!'>',:~=:<:.~).''",_/::;;
noti:r:L(~,l tl1<l.t th~ Ci ty cnntempLltes maJdnn: Stl'8'Jt imur-ovements
an:.l that bef'or~ work t~ unlerta1(en Ml ()rllinal1ct~ wl11 'le pass-
ed prohibittn~ the tcarin~ up of str98ts for a perio~ of three
years dnd t~at any imprOT~m8nts tn ~as mains should he made be-
fore t'1e pd.SS..l.ge of' the Orclinance.
The re.a;uld.r' )30l1 thly hi lIs \'IBt'8 l~I~,J.,l an'l hy ];lotion of c. T~.
FreJ.rick~oi1, :):3C{)~ le,1 b~r C!l,t~. IV. Schem~l an'l c,l.rpiel the sa.me
were orllel'(~,l a.l1ow~ 1. .tn'l "arpants orlcr~1 ~lr",wn.
.\mount of W,l.rI'.mLs .1.110w01 ':$ 1'):)1.,11 on the Genera.l r<'uwl.
AlljourlL)l until :\Ionclay, Ii'eb.
11th, UJ24, at ei1!:ht otclock, p.m.