Minutes 1924/04/29 nilroy, Calif. Apr. 29, 192~. ')')0 '-' ,.,,~J The regular aljmll"ne(l mcetinl! of' the Cormnon Council of' April ~~""tth, 1~)24, was calle,! to or(ler by His Honor ~rayor Jas. PrinccTalle. Present Councilmen 8. J. Chesbro, c. J~. Fredrickson, A. W. Brown, \fro. rtad.tlm, Gera.1cl Hecker; Absent Councilma.n Chas. W. Schemel. By motion of U. ~. FredricJ.:son, secnn:le\l by g. .J. Che sbro and carried, it was or(lere(l: 'fhat when we adjourn we adjourn to meet on Friday eTening, May 2nd, 1924, at R o'clock, p. m. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen R. J. Chesbro, c. ~. Fredrickson, A. w. Brown, WIn. Hadtke, Gerald Hecker; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilman Chas. ,V'. Schemel. :,Ioved by Geralrl Hecker-, seconl1e(1 by Wm. Had tIm, and car- rica: 'fhat the consieleration nf the bids received for the pav- ing of the streets of the City of Gilroy on April 21rd, 1924, be continuel1 until )Iay ~ml, 1924, at the hour of R 0' clock, p. m. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen, ,~. J. Chesbl'o, C. E. Fred.rickson, A. W. Drown, Wm. Ha(ltke, [;o1"c1.1\l HecJ{er; Noes, Councilr>len, None; Absent Councilman C!la.s. W. Schemel. Motion by 8. J. Chesbro, seconded by C. ~. Fredrickson, and carried that we adjourn. G !J)1(!1&V< City Cl~l{. ,