Minutes 1924/05/21 228 r:ilroy, Calif., May 21, 1924. rIle regular alljournell )T)ccttnp; of the CorlJrrJon Cmmcil of May 7th, 1924, was calle,l to ortler by His Honor Hayor Jas. .' Princevalle. Present Councilmen Cheshro, Fr~ilrickson, llarltJee, Hecker, Schemel; Absent Councilman Brown. Matter of the purchase and installation of a deep w~JJ pUi!lp C<1Jl.iP, np for discussion. ~otion by E. J. Ch~sbro, seconded by Wm. Radtke and car- rie,l:l'hat the l)om1 of' the City Tre:\.sllper "he "!1lacerl at 229 1: ~O '1"' .) , 000.00. :Jotion by Hecker, seconderl by qchemel ahcl carrier!: 'fhat the specif'ications f'or a ~eep well nl~p be referred to the Water Superintendent. AdjourneQ until Four o'clock, p. ill. of l'hurs(la.;y, ;.ray 22, 1\124. ~!Cf:~. .' l