Minutes 1924/05/22
Gilroy, Calif., May 22nd, 1924.
'rhe rep;ular all j ourned. meetinp.; of the Common Council of'
May 21st, 1924, was called to or~er by His Honor Mayor Jas.
Present Councilmen Chesbro, Fredrickson, Hact.tke, Hecker,
Schemel; Absent Councilman Brown.
The Water Superintenllent reporterl on what was required
for a lleep well pump an(l the installation of same.
Motion by Schemel, secomled by Hecker amI carried: That
we here~y aaopt the pimp s~ecifications as presented.
Motion by Halltke, ~ecomlell "hy Freclr-ickson amI carrierl:
That the clerJc be instructe(l to advertise for "hi(ls f'or the
furnishinp; aTIll installation of a teep well pump, and that
the s<)me he openell on We(lnesd.ay eveninp.;, June 4th, 1924.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
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