Minutes 1924/06/06
Gilroy, Calir., June R, 1924.
'rhe rep.;ular adjour'necl meetinll!; or the Common Councilor
June 4th, 1924, was crt lle~l to orller by His Honor Mayor Jas.
Present Councilmen C. II. Pierce, ll. Rrem, Sr., W1i1.Healte~9,
c. W. Gchemel; Absnt Councilmen C. E. FreclricJcson, WM. Racltke.
In matter of the purchase of' (leep well pump the Water
Committee r'f~coJJTllen:V~ll that the xontract be awarclel! to The
Hobil1S0l] Har(lware Company.
~.lotion by C. W. C,chemel, ,,>econrle~l by G. Hecker: That we
awarll the pump contract to the tlollinson lIarclware Company.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Pierce, Brem, I1ecJ{f~r, RcheJlle1'f
Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent CouncillYlen Fre~rickson, Radtke:
Motion by Hecker, secondedlana carried: That certified
checks he or 101"0(1 returneel to the unsucce::~sf'ul btrlr'lers.
It was order~l that the "log" of the three wells on
North Monterey Btreet lle recorlle(l in the minutes of this
The lo~ as kent ~y the parties who borert the three wells
_is as follows:
First or ~.fi(hlle Well
August 'n~t, IH:t7
0- ') , so:il
'2 ' 12' gr. sulJ-soil
12' '~.l , yel. clay
,),) , 28' gravel
28' 2!)' yel. elay
29' :36 ' water, .r.;ravel
16' '18 ' sand
18' '14 ' yel. clay
44' 47' Blue clay
47' 61' nlue sticky santI
61' 64' ye 11 ow sand
64' 66' watp-r ,l!J'avel
eG' 68' nlue clay
(JR' 72' Blue clay l~ '1oLl. gl',tVe 1
72' RO' ye 11 ow sand
f30' RR' san.l, gr. u: :JIJ.r;3.
88' 102' ;3anlly water- !,-:r'.:l.vel
1 O~~ ' 111' yellow clay
111' 11~1' san(ly water p.;ravel
11 ~J ' 119' yellow clay
11H' 127' 9lue cla.y
127' 131' ye 11 ow clay
l:n' 116' yellow sa.nll
l'lG' 144' sanIty water r-:rave 1
144' 1"15 ' sof't cement
CaSing rin,q; stan.ls 14f. ft. f'rom ton of casin~.
4: 4" cuts per root from ~~9 to '1r
4: ''1 " " per R- " 0<1 " 66
.1 4" " " f't. " 8R " 10:2
.1 4" " " n- " 111 " 11']
4: 4" " " 9" " 1']6 " 1.1:4
1Ia ter level 12' J,'rom surf'ace.
1,15'-- $ lfi7.50
Wells were Ylref' ora tell alJout July, 1919.
:]2 hours @ $~~. 00 per hour .~ (1<1.00
June f-th, 1924. The centcl" well absolutely strai~ht.
Water level 28' f'rooo top or concrete walk. Ifl' from top
of' rlan~e on well to top of' conceebe walk.
No sarul in lJottom or well.
r 234
:3econ(l, or West Well
Sept. 12, 19117
water, i!ravel
62' 65' san~y water ~ravel
86' 101' sd.nlly, wa.tel", r-;ravel
111' 11~l 1/:~ water, r.;ravel
casin~ rinr-; stands 11R' from top of casin~.
'1 .1" cuts ,er ft. :~4 ' 'J8 '
4 '1 " " " g 0') , no'
4 4" " " ft. R6' 101'
.1: 4" " " 9" 111' 11:l 1/~~ '
Hole 144 I ,leep hut not casel f)f'f on acconnt of' no water
forma tion at t!la t tlepth.
$ 16fl.00
Thira or ~ast Well
Sept 17, lQ17.
10' 40' water p.:ravel
6~l ' 65' water f!ravel
88' 102' wd.t'3r gra.vel
110' 11'l' water ltr'avel
l:n' l'H' :3 aml
l'J4 ' 14:1 ' wa.ter {~r.l.vel
Casinl~ s timils 1,t:l ft. from ~rolm(l love 1.
4 4" cuts per" ft. '10 40
4 ,t" " " S" 61 PO
4 ; 4" " " ft. SR 102
4 4" " " n" 110 11:1
4 4" " " q" 112 141
~ 164.50
Adjournel subject to
the call ~of the Chair.
C:J RVY~j~.
City C ler{J.