Minutes 1924/07/07
Gilroy, Calif'., July 7th, lQ24.
'ihe regula.r ~rnerl rneetin,r of' the Common Council was
called to orller b,. 1Iis Honor Mayor .Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Pierce, Brem, Fr~drickson, Radtke,
Hecker, Schemel; Absent, CouncilM~n, None.
The minutes of' J11eetin/!,s or June 2nd, June 4th, lJune 6th,
June 16th anll June :10th were reacl and orrlerecl approved.
Heports presentef1 as f'ollows: Marshal and License Col-
lector, Water Collector, City Clerk, also the quarter1,. re-
ports of' Trea.surer a.nll Clerk anrl the annual report of the
Librarian. By moti(ll1 of iIeclcer, seconded by Hadtke ancl car-
rie~, it was orlered: That the reports be accepted and
placell on fi Ie.
The salary of' Victor Olllie, water collector was or(lel"~rl
increase~ to $ 75.00 per month.
The Clerk was directed to address a letter to Mr. Car-
diff of' the Coast Counties Gas & Rlec. Co. relative to aIle,.
anti actli tional street litrhts promisclt SOMe time since.
_ G) ;;
The regular monthly bills were then read anft ~~ Motion
of Schemel secondell hy nrm~ ani carried" orrlercrl allow-erl amI
warrants urawn on the trcasur:v.
Amount of warrants allowcrl at tl-Jis meeting S~'110.2P on
the Genera.l Fund, $ fllG9.nr on the Waterworks Imp. Fund of'
1923; Tota.l Warra.nts orlLerCll ~ 74r9. m~.
~djournea subjent to
the calI 'of' the Cha.ir.
G: :J (/(vr'
City Clerk.