Minutes 1924/08/18
Gilroy, Calir.~ Aug.lRth,1984
The l"(~trul.l.r a l j ournc:l lr;e~tin '! of' the C OP.1HlOn Council
of' _~u,o.:ust 4th, lq~~t, W,I.<; calle,l to nr,ler by Hts Honor
Mayor Ja<;. Princ~vall~,
PC'~ient CTtmcilncm C. H. Peirc~, C. ~. F:'~tri.cJ=:s()n,
Wm. rt.llt:cc, Gerall H0~1~"~r, C1U'i. W. ~cher~el; Ansent
C ouncilm_1.J1 :Uch.l1";1 ])rem, S\'\.
C. i~. Sloan, City gn:dneer wa~ rH'l~qent anl the'
p..t.Tin~ proposi ti0rl W,I.,<) ;ltsclls<;eL
By motion of C. W. Scl1emel, seconr1cl n:v Wm. Ra,(ltlm
and carried: The City-Attorney was instructe~ to nre-
pare a resolution abanaonin~ tl]e navin~ nroceen;n~s ann
. . ... I' -
a return of' tbe bon;l to t1le Southwe<;t Paving Company.
It WaS .lir0ct~.1 that ~fr. ~\tkins()n secure a perpJit
sa tisf'ac tory to the Boa.rl 'If Health aml the Sewer
Commi t tee befn'!"~ ~Jrr}ceelin)" fllt'"tller with the work of'
caring f'or sewatre.
Certain bill~, wc'!"e l~(~a.l anJ ny moti.nn of' Heck~r,
seconlcil by Fre lrick<;on orlerc,l <l.llowe,l an,l warra.nts
Amount of' lVar-rant<; a110well ,~~~17. r:~ on tl1e r..eneral
FunJ., $1110.1:l on the WaterworJrs !l!l'Provement Fun:l of'
By motion of' Hecker, secon~el hy Fre~ri.ckson
and carried, it wa<; order-I~(l~ that we afljourn as a COMmon
Council anJ. rccol1veneas a 'Roar,l f'oY' the equalization
of' taxes.
Gilroy, Calif., ~\u?!.l~tl1, 19~~4.
The Conrlei 1 a~ a :cloar,l of' Equal tzatton calle(l to
Drier by His Honor Hayor .Ja.3. Pr1nccva.llc.
Present, CjlU1Cilmen, c. H. Pierce, C. ~. Fre~-
rickson, Wm. Haltlm, Gcralll l,fec1rcr, C. W. ..)chcme 1 ~
A~sent, Richard Brem, Sr.
No complaints of a.s~eqSMents WCl"C MUQC at tl1is
of' the Boar(l of' Equal tz~oIT ;;:J
G~ tJ, fll try AA/2/ .
Cit;-r Clc~k. 0
'I i