Minutes 1926/02/01 G:)R~ ?~'._"';'t: ) 1- Gilroy, Calif., reb. Ilt, 1926. The regular monthly meetiag of the common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jae. PrineeTall.. Present Council.en R. !re., Sr., C. I. rredriekson, W.. Radtke, Gerald Hecker, Xlmer J. Cheebro; Ab.ent Couaoilsaa C. H. Pi e rc e . Tae minutel of .eetimg of January 4th, 1926, were read and ordered approyed. ,. Monthly reports of Lisen.e COlle.tor, City Clerk ana Water Colleotor were read and by motion of Heoker, .econded by Chesbro ordered acoepted and plaoed on file. Commun1eatien from the Chamber of Commeroe,cE.latt.a to a .tre.t light at POltoffice alley-way read. Motion by Hecker, leoonded by !rem and carried; That the ~ lark be In.truoted to notify the Coalt Coumtie. Gas and 11... 266 Co . to' 1'n.tall two new street light" one at the Postoffioe alley.way on Sixth Street, betw.en Monterey and Eigleberry Streetaand tae other at the City Limits on !odfisa Mill Road. Slstere of St. Mary:. ConTent made request for free water a.tc:.t.. ConTent sohool bu.t no aotion was taken in the matter. ,r::;., ::--< ~- '..,I ~ I--i Petition of L. L. UathisontiJ. blilild all add.ition to a building on Norta Monterey street, and by motion of Heoker, seo- onded by Chesbro and carried the permit was denied. Motion by Heoker duly seconded and oarried: That the part of the block between Seoond and Third Streets, fronting on Monterey Street be placed within the Fire Limits. !y motion of Fredriokson, seoonded by Heoker Ordinanoe NG~.334was passed after haTing been read and re-read by title as follows; An Ordinanoe amending subdiTisions 12, IS, 20, 26a, 27, 28 and 38 Of the Munioipal Code of the City of Gilroy, rela- tiTe to the Lioenee Tax of laundti.s, clothes cleaners, tail- ors, lawyers, chiropraotors and dentists, dealers in vegeta- bles, wholesale dealers in gasoline and oil products, and wholesale dealers in ioe cream, sods water and soft drinks, and adding to said sectiona new subdiTision to be known as 7a rela- tive to wholesale dealers in bread and bread foods. Vote, Ayes Councilmen R. Brem, Sri Wm. Radtke, C. I. Fred- rickson, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilman Chas. H. Pieroe. Counoilman R. Brem, Sr. excu.ed. Vatter of sewer in Northern City Limits left with the Sewer . Committee, and to haTe the City Engineer investigate oonditions. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of Fredrickson, seconded by Chesbro and carried ordered allowed and warrants ordereac drawn. Amount of warrants allowed $ 2286.65 on the General Fund. Adjourned subject to the oall of the Chair. .' >:::' (f ", j 6 '. Y (!(Ut:ij' City clerd.