Minutes 1926/04/07 269 Gilroy, Calir., Apr. 7, 1926. , J;.;. The regular monthly meeting of the Comroon Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent by permission Councilman R. Brem, Sr.; Absent Councilman Wm. Radtke. The minutes or meetings or Mar. 1st, Mar. 12th, Apr.L 3th and Apr. 6th were read al'd ordered approved. ,. Motion by Hecker, seconded by Chesbro and carried t...t per- mi1i'.be granted Victoria Council, I. D. E. s. to discharge rire- works and parade on the streets. Motion by Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: That permit be granted to the Im'pd. o. R. M. to hold circus and pow- wow on its lot on Sixth street. 270 Conuuunication rrom Monterey relative to the San Simeon road "~ ~ {~ '..... ,..,..". work. laid over until next meeting. ~ronthly reports or Licencsee and Tax Collector, City Clerk and Water Collector and Health Of'ricer, also quarterly reports of' Treasurer and Clerk were read and by motion or Fredrickson, duly seconded by Chesb:eo and carried said reports were accepted:and or- dered placed on rile. By motion or C. E. Fredriekson, seconded by Gerald Hecker and carried the f'ollowing Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that Leavesley Road in the City or Gilroy be p~ved f'rom the Easterly line or the pavement on Monterey street to the Easterly Limits or~the City or Gilroy and that the swn or Six Thousand Dollars be withdrawn rrom the General Fund and placed in a Special Fund ror the purpose or paying ror said work. Vote; Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Ab- sent by permission Councilman R. Drem, Sr.; Absent, Council- man WlU. Radtke. By motion or C. E. Fredrickson, seconded by Ohas, H. Pierce and carried the rollowing Resolution was adopted: ~ BE IT RESOLVED, That on Monday, the 3rd day or May, 1926., an election be held in the City or Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State or Calif'ornia, ror the purpose o:f elcting the :following City Or:ficers ror the City or Gilroy, vizs Mayor, Six Councilmen; Treasurer; City Clerk; Marshal. For said election two precincts are hereby established and the boundaries thereor, polling places and Boards of' Election r,are ~l 'If iil': as rollows: FIHST PllECINCT: All that portion or the City or Gilroy in- cluded within the boundaries or Gilroy Precinct No.1 and Gil- roy Pl"ecinct No.2 or the City or Gilroy as established by the . Board or Supervisors of' the County or Santa Clara, state of Calirornia. For the purpose or this election said Gilroy Pre- cinct No.1 and Gilroy Precinct No, 2 are hereby combined, and 1'01" the purpo{:Jes of said municipal election shall be ImOim as First Precinct. Pelling place; Hunicipal.rire house on Fifth street. 271 Board of' Election, Inspector, sam Hooper; JUclges, H. F. Lord, and Aileon Fredrickson; Clerks !.1ildred Dowell, Eva W.Qod~and Mary Hollenback. SECOND PRECINCT: All that portion of' the City of' Gilroy included within the boundaries of' Gilroy Precinct No, 3, Gil- roy l)recinct No.4 and Gilroy Precinct No.5 of' the City of' Gil- roy, as established by the Board of' Supervisors of' the Gounty of' Santa Clara, State of' Calif'ornia. For the purpose of' this el- ection said Gilroy Precinct No.3, Gilroy Precinct No.4 and Gilroy' Precinct No.5 are hereby combined and 1'01" the purpose of' said Municipal Election shall be kn01m as Second Precinct. Polling place, Uity lIall on Sixth street. Board of' Election, Inspector, Phil Cox; Judges, George S, Tremaine and Sarah F. Tryon; .Cler-ks, Adelle Dombaugh, Mary Rea and Beatrice Moore. The polls will be open at six o.clock A. M. of' the day"Of' election..: and remain open until seven o. clock P.M. of' the SaL.le day when the polls will be closed, except as provided in Section 1164 of' the Political Code of' the state of' Oalif'ornia. In all other respects the said election will be held in ac- cordance with the general election laws of' the state of' 8alif'or- nia. The ClerIc of' the City of' Gilroy will cause the necessary pro- cla~mation to be published. Vote. Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; .... Noes, Councilmen, !fone; Ab- . sent by peFillission Councilman R. Br~l, Sr.;;Absent Councilman \1m. Had tIce . , The matter of' metal marking f'or parking spaces was lef't with the street COl:llni ttee 1Iotion By Fredrickson, duly seconded and carried that the sal- ary of' Marshal be raisecl f'rom $ 125. to $ 150. per month. H. N. Fredrickson, Fire Dept. Chief' apIJeared bef'ore the Coun- cil relative to Fire Dept matters. Motion by Chesbro, duly seconcled and carried that industrial. accident insurance be extended to the Fire Departlllent and that matter be lef't with the Fire Dept. Committee. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of' 272 Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and. carried were allowed and warrants orclered drawn. Amonnt of' Warrants allowed $ 5772.32 on the General Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of' the Chair. ~~f?r' . ,;:;;. :',,< >~....-.: I." C-. 1--