Minutes 1926/05/04 272 Gilroy, Cal., May 4, 1926. The regular monthly meeting or the Common Council Oaun- eOIl1 ell was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Prine- . vall e. Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Wm. Radtke, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent by permission n. Brem, Sr. The minutes or meeting or April 7th were read and ordered appJO ved. Reports or Marshal, City Clerk and Water Collector were read and by motion or Fredrickson, seconded and carried or- "/0 ;:;;:J ,: cl dered accepted and placed on file. Motion by Hecker, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That we pm ceed to canvass the vote cast at the election of' M:ay 31"(l '1'ho Clerk then proceeded. to read the reports from the eleet- ion .oards of' the two precincts. 110tion by Hecker, seconded by Chesbro and carried that the f'ollav ing resolution be adopted.: Whereas, the l.layor and Common Council of' the City of' Gilroy has cmvassed the vote cast at the municipal election held in the Ci ty ct: Gilroy, on the third day of' May, 1926 NOW, THEHEFOHE, as a result of such canvass the Mayor and Common Council find that for the following named offices the per- sons wIn se ml11es appear below received the number of votes set op- posi te their names, namely For r.layor, James Princevalle, 422 votes, For Councilmen, Jerome Chappell, 437 votes, Elmer J, Chesbro, 541 vote s, C. E. Fredrickson, 342 votes, Gerald necker, 273 I t' vo <;1s, E. Martin Johnson, 508 votes, Chas. H. Pierce, 466 votes, Wm. R~tke, 248 votes, Henry L. Wills, 199 votes. For Treasurer, Julia Allen, 494 votes, For City Clerk, E. F. Rogers, 480 votes, .. For Harshal, Geo. Ea ston, 441 vo tes . Tie said :,.l::yor an(l COlillnon Council finds the following per- sons have been duly elected to the respective offices herein nam- ed, namely. Mayor, James Princevalle, Councilmen, Jerome Chappell, Elmer J. Chesbro, C. E. Fredrick- son, Gerald Hecker, E. Martin Johnson and Chas. II. Pierce; Treas- urer, Julia ~~len; City Clerk, E. F. Rogers, 1larshal, George Easton. ilnd that certificates of' election be issued to such of'feers. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, C, E. Fredrickson, Wm, " ~ Radt~, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent by permission R. Drem, Sr. Motion by Chesbro, seconded and carried: That we grant the Oaklcu d Sewer Construction Co. two weelcs further time in which to complete the lateral sewer. Motion by Hecker, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That the 274 '.'~ ll1eubers of' the Election Boards be allowed $ 6.00 each :ror - "" ..~,.~ ~~~ r~.v ......... "'-l seN ices on election day.. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of' Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and carried were allowed and warants ordered dralvn. Amount of' warrants allowed, $ 4270.52 on the General Funl . Chas. E. Sloan, City Engineer, presented bill in the amount of' $ 30,263.37 f'or services rendered and by motion of' E. J. Chesbro, seconded by Chas. H. Pierce, the said bill was rejected. Adjourned subject to the call o~ the Chair. G-/~' ( ,( / . J. ~,Ul<0[ I.. City CleM. " ., ,.