Minutes 1926/06/07
Gilroy, Calif. June 7, 1926.
A special meeting or the Mayor and Co~non Council was
c~ d to order by His Honor I\Iayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councimen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredricksoh,
Gen dlHecker, Elmer J. Chesbro;
Absent Wm. Radtke, by
per.missnon R. Brew, Sr.
By motion of Gerald Hecker, seconded by C. E. Fredrick-
son Ordi. nance No. S3S was passed and aClopted arter having been
real. and re-read by title as :fol101Js:-
An ordinan~e authorizing and permitting the Board of
Su~rvisors of the County o:f Santa Clara the use o:f the
Lew esl~ Road :from the center line o:f Monterey street to the
East erly liIlli ts or the City o:f Gilroy, Tor the purpose o:f con-
stm cti~: th<r eon a highway.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fred1~ick-
son, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro;
Noes, Councilmen,
Nore, Absent Counc:iylmen, R. Brein, Sr. by pErmission, Wm.
Radt ke .
Adj> urn€il ,
G g I/ry~VJ,
Ci ty c.4rk:
Gilroy, Calif'., June 7, 1926.
. ,
The regular monthl;y meeting of' the Common Council was
called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Chas. II. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Ger-
aId Hecker, Elmer J. Ches~roJ
Absent by permission R. Drem,
Sr., Allsent Wm. Raltke.
The minutes of' meeting of' May 4th and Special meeting of'
June 7th were read and ordered app:toved.
COllllHunication f'rom the state Board of' Heal th relative to
the Uvas watershed was read an d ordered riled.
Of'f'icers reports read as f'ollows: License and Tax 001-
lector, City Cler!{, l'Iater Collector and Heal th Of'f'icer and
by motion of' Hecker seconded by Chesbro and carried ordered
accepted and placed on f'ile.
Heports made on the completion of' the lateral sewer.
i,lotion by Hecl{er, seconded by Chesbro and carried that
permits be granted Foster 8: Kleiser to erect three sign boards
wi thin the 1"'ire lind ts .
The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of'
Fredrickson, seconded by Hecker orderev_ allowed and warrants
Amount of' warrants allowed
~6997.71 on the General Fund.
Motion by Elmer J-. Chesbro, seconded by C. E. Fredricl{son
that this Council adjourn
Sine Die.
Ci ty CI[J...
Cilroy, Cali!'., June 7, 1926.
'fhe newly elected Councilmen took their respective seats
and His Honor Mayor Jas. P:tincevalle cailed the Council to
Present Councilmen C. II. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C. E.
Freclrickson, JerOl.~ Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro;
Absent Councilmen, None.
The l\Layor then presented a Ivell worded message. wi th reCOlll-
menda tions as to f'uture necessary worI\:.
Uo tion by Chesb:to, secondecl by Hecker and carried that the
Mayor's message be ordered placed 011 f'ile.
City of'f'icers bonds were then presented as :follows: Mar-
shal and Tax Collector, $ 5000., City Clerk and Assessor, $ 5000.
and Treas urer, ;~ 50,000., of' which ~1 35,000. ivas a suret;}' COlU-
IJany bond and the remaining ~~ 15,000. a personal bond.
Motion by Chesbro; seconded by Fredrickson and carried that
the bonds as read be accepted and ordered approved.
The l,layor then appointed the Standing Connni ttees f'or the term
as f'ollows:
Ways and LIeans: Hecker, Fredrickson, Johnson;
Finance: Chappell, Chesbl'o, Fredrickson;
Ordinance: Chesbro, Johnson, Pierce;
Fire: Heckel', Fredrickson, Chappell;
Sewer: Johnson, Chesbro, Heclcer;
Police: Fredricl<son, lIecker, Pierce;
Water: Chesbro, Fredrickson, Chappell;
Lighting: Pierce, ChalJpell, Jonhnson;
nuilding amI Grouncls: Johnson, Hecker, Pierce;
Fredrickson, Hecker, Chesbro.
By motion of' Hecker, seconded by Chesbro and carried Ordinance
No. a36 was passed after having beon l'ead and re-read by title
as f'ollows: An Ordinance amending subdivision No.5 of' Sec-
tion 240 of' the IJunicipal Code of' the City of' Gilroy relative
to the f'ire limits of' the City of' Gilroy.
bro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None.
Dy motion of' Chesbro, seconded by Fredrickson and carricrl 01'-
dinance No. 337 was passed af'ter having been read rol~ re-read
by title. as f'0110l18: An Ordinance prohibiting the placing of'
gasoline tanks under streets or sidewalks in the City of' Gil-
roy, or any gasoline pump or stationary tire f'illing .stand
pipe or appal'atus thereon.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. II. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C.
E. Freclrich.::son, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Heckcr~ Elmer J. Ohes-
bro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None._
Dy mo tion of' Hecker, secondccl by Chappell Ol'dinance No. 338
was passed af'ter haying beon read and ro-read by title as 1'01-
.An Ordinance rollending Ordinance No. 294 of' the City of'
Gilroy relative to rubbish, waste material, dry grass, weecls,
and f'oul growths which become a menace to the public saf'ety.
n ~.....
" , 1.
Vote, Ayes COblncilruen C. H. pierce, 8. Hartin Johnson, C.,
E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, :Glmer J.
Noes, Councilmen, None;
Absent Councilmen,
By lllotionof' Chesbro, seconded by Fredrickson Ordinance No,
339 was passed after having been read and re-read by title as
follows: An Ordinance amending Section 310 of Article II,
Chapter II, Part III, of the Municipal Code of the City of
Gilroy, by amending Paragraph 37 thereof and by adding there-
to a new paragraph to be !{nown as 37a rela ti ve to the License
Tax on theatres, nioving pictures and shows.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C.
E. Fredrickson, Jerome bhappell, Geralll Hecker, Elmer J. Ches-
bro; Noes, Councilmen, None; "Absent Councilmen, None.
Chairmen of Ordinance' and Fire COl1lnittees instructed to con-
fer with dealers in powder and gasoline relative to an Ordi-
nance regulating tIle storage.
A. A. I,lartin appeared before the Council as a representa-
tive from the Chamber of Commerce about matter of changing
the Charter.
Monday, June 14th was set as the date for discussing the
matter of adopting a new Charter.
Adjourned until I,Iond,ay
night, June 14th.
1;' :J. rJii'? vV~ ·
. CitY.Clcrkf