Minutes 1926/06/21
Gilroy, Calir. June 21, 1926.
The regular adj ourned m.eeting or the Comraon, Councilor
June 14th was called to order by His Honor :l;layor Jas. Prince-
Present Councilmen C. II. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C.
E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappeil, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent
Counciman Geraltl Hecker.
City Attorney E. D. Cra\1rord presented his opinion as to
the procedure ror securing a new Charter and the same was or-
dared placed on rile.
By motion or E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Jerome Chap-
pell the rollowing resolution was adopted, vizl
WHEllEAS, it has been as certained that the real property
... 280
hereinaf'ter described will not be reclulrecl in the installa-
tiol1 of' a new sewer systeLl, and the same is not required or
needed by the City of' Gilroy for any other usef'ul purpose,
WIIEl18A;], it will be 1'01' the benef'i t of' the Ci ty to' solI
said property, now, theref'oro, be it
IillSOLVED: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to advertise said property f'or sale to the
highest bidder for cash, said bids to be sealed and to be
accompanied by a certified check f'or ten per cent. of' tl~
price bid and be filed with said Clerk I)efore 12 :00 o' clock
noon on the 6th day of' JUly, 1926, the Council to reserve
the right to reject any or all blds, and the terms of' the
sale to be cash.
The f'ollowing is a description of the said property, to-
wi t :
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, ly-
ing and being in the County of' Santa Clal"a, state of' Calii'or-
nia, and bounded amI particularly described as f'ollows, to-
.;.fi t:
Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of the City of' Gil-
roy; thence north 59 deg. 58' east, f'ive hundred and f'our-
te,;}1 and 38/100 (514.aU) f'eet to the west lJolmclar'y line of n.
16.31 acre tract conveyed to n. Drem by deed dated June Bth,
19~20; thence along the west boundary line of' said tract...ancl
the east boundary of' a thirty foot road roservation south. 0
deg 4 1/2' west five hundred and f'if'ty-f'our and 16/100 ( 5{)4.:-"..
.16) 1'eet; thence south 60 clog. 50-1/2' weST; three hundreel
~l1cl twonty-f'onr and 17/100 ( 3~24.17) f'eet; thence north 20
20.'deg. west f'ive hundred and twenty and 62/100 (520.62) f'eet
to the point of' beginning, and. containing f'i ve aml 1)100
(5.01) acres, being portions of' Las Animas Ranch Lots 43 and
44 according to the maps accompanying the f'inal report of' the
ref'erees in the partition of' said Hancho.
Also an easement over and upon a strip of' land thirty
(30) f'eet wide reserved f'or a public road f'rom land :formerly
or noW' owned by Joe Buzzini, the easterly line of said strip
of' land being described as f'olloW's: Beginning at a point
which bears north 69 dog. 58' east f'ive hunclred f'ourteen and
38/100 (514.38) f'eet f'roLl the southeasterly corner' of' Gilroy
cit;y limits; thence north 0 clog. 4 1/~~' east f'our hundrecl .
ninety-f'our and 51/100 (494.51) f'eet to the Olcl Gilroy nDad.
EXCEPTING and reserving the right of' wa~T for a public
road, of' that portion of' the af'oresaid thirty f'oot rO<1.c1 lying
\'1i thin the above described tract.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, :8. Martin Johnson,
C. :c. Fredricksoll, Jerome Chappell, Ellner J. Chesbro, Noes,
Councilmen, None; l\i)sent Councilman Gerald lleclcer.
Motion by Jolmson, seconded by Chappell and carried: That
110ti-ee of' sale of' land be published in the Gilroy Gazette
two issues.
'fhe Ci ty At torncy rend.erecl opinion in regard to the right
of' the City to order telephone polos removed and the matter
was ref'erred to to the Street Committee to ~~~r uith 1.11',
Atl.:inson and the manager of the Gilroy Telephone Company.
Traff'ic Officer Louis 8. Osbourne made application for
a two months leave of absence from the state.
Motion by Johnson seconcled. by Pierce and carried that leave
of absence be granteel the traf'fic of'ficer proviclcd he secur-
ed a competent man to take his posi.tion during the ab-
E. Martin Johnson appointed as Chairman of' a Committee
wi th C. E. Freclricl{son and Jerome Clmppell as associate mem-
bel'S to ascertain fac.ts,:Crom 0 tIler ci ties that have recent-
ly changed and adopted new Charters.
Adjourned subject to
the call of' the Chair.
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Ci ty Cl!Jk.