Minutes 1926/07/06
Gilroy, Calir., July 6th, 1926.
The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was
called to order by His Bonor Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Chas. II. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson,
C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J.
The minutes or June 7, June 11, June 14, and June 21st.
were read and ordered approved.
:Montl1ly reports were presented by the License ani Tax
Collctor, City Clerk, Water Collector and Health Of'f'icer,
also quarterly reports of' Treasurer and Clerk and yearly re-
port of' Librarian.
By motion of' Hecker, duly seconded and
carried the reports were ordered accepted and placed on file.
The Clerk was instructed to address a cOlillnunication to
the Sherirr's orrice requesting that a deputy be sent dm to in-
vestigate relative to parties bathing above the Uvas dam.
Illotion by Chesbro, seconded by Chappell and carried:
The bids be ordered opened for rurnishing a one-ton Ford
T\1o bids were presented, viz: By Jos. J. Verge and
Byers Bro's.
Motion by Chesbro, seconded by Pierce and carried that
the contract for rurnishing truck be awarded to Byers Brots.
I.lotion by Fredrickson, seconded. by Chesbro and carried ,:Jlat
. .
certif'iecl check be returned to the unsuccessf'ul biclder.
.1,10 tiol1 by Chesbro, seconded and carried that the city camp
ground be closed on sept. 1st, provided that Mr. DO\"i111an take
care of' the expense between now and that clate and should lie re-
f'use the camp ground will be closed August 1st.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of' F'red-
rickson, seconded by Chappell and carried ordered. allowed and
\"{arran ts drawn.
Amount of' warrants allowed $ 0,766.20 011 the General FUnd.
Adjourned until two weeks
f'rom this date.
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