Minutes 1926/08/02
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Gilroy, Calir" Aug. 2nd, 192i.
The regular monthly meeting or the COnll:10n Council was
called to order by His lIonor Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Chas. II. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson,
Jerome Chappell, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Councilmen E. Martin
Jolmson, Gerald Hecker.
The minutes of' meetinGs of' July 6th and July 20th were
read and orderecl approved.
Hepor>ts \fere reael as f'ollows:
i,ral"shal's License re-
port, City Clerk's, Water Collectors and that or Health of'-
f'icer, amI b;y Illation or Chesbro seconde(l by Chappell, the
same were ordered accepted and placed on f'ile.
The City Clerk presented Assessment Holl f'or 1926 and 1927
and by motion or Fredrickson, seconde(l by Chappell and carried:
it was ord.ered, That the Clerk be instructed to publish notice
of' the meetings of' the Board of' Equalization 1'01' Aug. _17th,
Aug. 24th and Aug. 31st, 1926.
IJ:otion by Chesbro seconded by Fredrickson and carried
that we 11Llrchase f'our traf'f'ic signs 1'01' use on the main roaels
into tOlm.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of' Fred-
ricksol1 seconded by Chesbro and carried it was ordered that the
bills be allowed and warrants drawn.
Lotion by Chesbro, secomled by Freclrickson and carried th;ir, t
bill o~ IrvinG otto ror services drivinG tractor be allowed
and a uarrant ordered c1rm'{n.
.Auount of' warrants allowed $ 2,779.68 on the General Fllncl.
..:1clj ourned until
August l'7th, 1926.
City Clerlt.