Minutes 1926/09/02 285 . Gilroy, Culir., Sept. 2, 1926. ilis Honor ~ayor Jas. Princevalle called the Board or eq- ualization to order. Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, :elmer J. Chesbro; A1Jsent Councilmen E. Mar- tin Jolmson and Gerald Hecker. The Clerk reported that no coruplints has been made on assess- 28{~ l" ments clnrin:: tLo varioLls bonY'lL mectin:~s. I.IotiOl1 by ::::amer J. Chesbro, i38conclccl by Clms, 0, Frec1rick- son ano.. carried; 'fbat 'ole adj ourn as a Board. of' =:qualizn tinn and rc-convenc as a CouDon COLlncil. Adjourncd subject to tIle call or the Chair. d;/! /f/),:,."" '.,.', ., .J / V~'r "c/" L/ oo(f '! ~., /~ ' '~" v / (I , CIl} h Clty er~. . J~ X U ". "'- ~