Minutes 1926/10/04
-r 288
Gilroy, Calif'., Oct. 4th, 1926.
The regular monthly meeting of' the Cornlilon COLlllCil was
called to oreler by His lIonor Irayor Jas. Princevalle.
l:Jresent COLlncilmen Chas. II. Pierce, E. Hartin Johnson,
C. :8. Fr8dric,:sol1, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J.
Clwsbro; Absent Coul1cilen, None.
The minutes of' meeting of' Sept. 7th were read and order-
cd aI)proved.
Reports of' City Officers prJsented as follows: License
Collector, Oi ty Cler"" Water Collector and quarterly reports
or Treasurer and Ole:ck, and by motion of' lIecker, seconded by
Chappell and carried the same were acceptecl and orclorec.l placed.
on rile.
Foster C,; l~leiser presented peti tion to erect sign board
at Central Hotel aml by Llotion 91' Pierce seconded by Fredr1ck-
son and carried the sai(l peti tionwas rej ected.
l.1otioll by Pierce seconded by Fredrickson and carriea that
chanGe in I'oI'm of' wa tor s ta tements be lof't wi th the \fa tel' COLliUi t-
~atter of' repairinG pipe line back of Elrod ~lace on the
Uvas was lei't with the 1iru:"er OOJ.;llaittee.
By motion of' Jerome Chappell, seconded by ElLieI' J. Chcs-
bro tIw f'ollowinc resolll t:Lol1 was alLopted.
WHlmEAS, it apl)ears to this lloarcl tl1at_ Fifty Dollars per
:oonth is not adequate compensation for the Police Judge, there~
fore be it
.l.L,"jJL\r~~D, that'the salary of' the Police Juclc;e of' this
C1 ty be aml tIle saLlO is hereby increased to Seventy-f'ive ($75.00)
pollars per Llonth to tali:e ef'1'ect sept. 1st. 1926.
Vote, Ayes, COLlncilmen C. H. Pierce, :8. I,Iartin Johnson,
C. :c. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J,
CilCsbro; Noe::>, Co Llncilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, Hone.
The regular' L.lOl1tllly bills were tLen read and by uo tion of'
9. R9.~
FrecLrich:sol1, seconded by Johnson \101'0 alloY/ed a11(l warrants 01'-
dered drawn.
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on the General
:,U:1. t tel' of' Firemen's annual banqnet lef't wi tll the Fire Dc-
partLlont COl:J.uittee.
I,~o tion lJY Elwer J. Chesbro, f;econdecl by C. II. Pierce and.
That the City Attorney be allowed to select his own
assistants in the Sloan Case and not
to exceed ~ 1500.00
carr:,' saL~C to tlw ~jllperiol' Court.
AcLjoul'necl subjoct to
call of' t1Je CIw,ir.