Minutes 1926/11/01
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Gilroy, Cali~., Nov. 1, 1926.
'rhe re{;ular monthly meetinr; of' the COlJ1EIOn Council was
called to orcler by HiD 11onor Eayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen C. li. Pierce, S. ~artin Johnson, c.
.lCJ. Fredrickson, J,erOl;le Chappell, Geralcl 11ec1,::or, ElueI' J.
Absont, Coul1ciluen,None.
T1lO uinutos of' l:lOotinG of' Oct. 4th i'{ere read and orelorod
Hc:ports of' city of'f'icers presented as f'ollo\!s: Tax
and ::"ice11so Collector, ',~'ator Collector, Oi ty Clerk and lJol-
leG JLlc1~;e, anL1 by 1::0 tion of' Chesbro, seconded. by Heet:or and
carried were ordered accepted anQ placed on :rile.
~otion by Fredrickson, seconded by Hocker and carriedj
T=wt perLIie be Granted to Geo. A. Chappell to construct ~ire
pro ai' s to re IJuiltlillg.
",.ot1011 b::l IIecI::or, seconde(~ al1~: carr:'_od: Tlmt petition of'
Geo ., 1). _ ,oi'rill to r.ppair shed be denied.
d)'UOn lJj =~;. ""art1n J'olmson, secontleLL by Jeroue Chappell
ane;' carried: That tilO :rollowill[,~ resolution be mloptecL:
lCGJLVI:::D, tllat Attorney D. T. Jenkins be, and he is llol.~e-
'by ouployecL to assist tllO Ci ty Attorney in c!.o:':'enc1tn~; tIlO City
or Gilroy, and its :layor and COi.!UOl1 Council, in connection
\lith tIlc suit brou[;llt ~ D. C. Brooks, assiGnee or Charlcr:: E.
Sloan, uncI. tIle COL~penGa. tion 81' oaid ..1 ttorneys 18 l1creb;Jr :fixod
.. .
at Fi:etoell IILlllCl::.~o(l ( (; H;i(}D .00) Dollars, ror all oervices 1'on-
dered in '(:,118 ;~3LlllOl'ioI' Courts, and an atLc:a tional :feo of' Five
Hunurod ( ::;500.00) Dollars, to be paid in tho evont of' an ap-
peal to the higher courts.
Vote, Ayes, COLlllcimen C. II. PiOl~CO, :';. Lal~t:tl1 Jolmoon, C.
B. FredricLcson, Jerone Chappell, Gerald Hecker, :SloeI' J. Ches-
1-focs, Counciluen, None; Absent, CouncilL~en, None.
By Lotion of' .::.;. Hartin Johnson, ~;econclecl by C. H. Pierce
antI carried t:lC f'ollowinL; reoolutionwao atloptea:
\'1HE~u.::;AS, the II<l:)tor ancl COLluon COLll1cil is about to call an
eloction i'or the purpoGo of' votinc; bonds, tlw proceeclsof' which
are to be u;..JCcl in tIle purchase of' a oi te and :for tIJe instal-
Ia tion of' a sewu::e (lisposal plant, and
'mElr~A8, it is necessary to obtain certain ri::;l1ts-of'-way
:for plac:hl:~ tile proposed sewer line, and
".fIUrC;i\.,J, ni clmrd Dreu, P. Delonini, Abdon Nannini, Lino
Nannini, Fany I.J. Shepard and. :::;;velyn Shepard are tIle owners of'
the prolJerty tllrou[;h which it is 13r13oso<1 to run said se1'ler,
and. have aGreed to execute and deliver to the City of' Gilroy
Gooel al1cl suf'f'icient Deeds to said riGht of' way, said cleeclg
to be held in escrow by the Gilroy Branch of' tIle llercantile
Trust COlapal1Y of' California, ancl to he delivered to tIle City
when the l)ondo herein-bef'ore ref'errecl to, have been vo tecl and
sold, now, thc:'ef'ore, in considera tiol1 of' tIle ,r:;ranting of
said riGhts of' way be it
11:8S0LVED, tlla t the La;;ror ancl City Clerk be and they are
horeb;y all thorizecl, on bollali' of tIle City, to enter into a
contract wi th said, nauec.l property owners to the followinG
(1) T;~at the Oi ty will remove the present :fence now on
the proposed ri::;ht-o:f-way.
(;2) TIm t whcn.saicl sewer has been laid and properly co v-
erell the City will erect a new f'ence along said line, w11ero-
ever the saue constitutes the present fenco line, said fence
to consist of 5 wires f'astened upon 7 f'oot reililood posts, set
3 roet in the Ground, and 10 feet apartl'fi th two picl\:ets
inserted between tIle posts, the Sal.1C to be substantinlly amI
properly constructed and to Ule satis~action of' said propor-
ty OTrneI'D.
That the City will reiubuI'se said property 01711-
ers f'or any claua"c;c done toal.rali'a or c;rowin[; crops rlhilc
ene:;ae:;elC in t~lC construction of' said sower line or at any
time tllorea:ftcr wIlen cntcril1[j upon the l1rcL1ises f'or mal;:-
ill[; repairs to
vile saLle.
(4) All of' saicl construction wad;: to be clone entirely
at the expenso of' tho City and said a;'T,reoment is to take
cff'ect and bo in f'ull force upon the voting of' saicl bonds
and tIle doli very to the Ci ty of' said Deeds.
Vote, Ayes, Coullcill'len C. H. Pierce, ::=. Hartin John-
son, C. =~. Frec1rici>:son, J orOLlO Chappell, Gerald Hecker,
Elmer J. Chesbro J !{oes, Coul1cilLlen, Hone;
Absent Conn-
cilDen, Hone.
It ~as decided to locate the ~asoline storaGe tank at
the Fire Honse.
==0 tion lJY Cl1ebl"o, seconded and carrie(l:
That the
IU[';htrratchLlun be C;l'antot1 :;; 10.00 per Llonth increase in his
;ew,l ary .
The re:;lllar monthly bills were then reael and by mo-
tiol1 01' Fredrickson, seconded by lIecker and carriecl were 21.1--
lowe(1 and warrants orcleI'cO. drawn.
ArlOunt of' warrants allowcd
:~~ 3121.98 011 the
.Aclj ourl1.ed nntil lIonclay,
i~o:t, 8th at a o'clock, p.m.
~~ c~~ ~~:'