Minutes 1926/11/08
GilroYI CaliT.1 Nov. Sthl 1926.
The re~ular adjourned meeting oT the COllllllon Council oT
,l;'lOV. lut, .J:J.,? call(<~ to order by His Honor ~Iayor Jas. prince-
Present Councilmen C. H. Piercel E. Eartin Johnsonl C. E.
Fredricksonl Jerome Chappelll Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Coun-
cilman Gerald Hecker.
The l\layor a1Ul0Ul1ced that the meetil1~ was called f'or tbe
purpose of' investigatil1i:;; li~atters relative to the sewage dis-
posal plant.
\ hi
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=!~o tioll by
r.:artin Johnson, seconded
by ~lDcr J. Chesbro
. . .
and. carriecl: That tIle City :8nc;i:necI' be authorized to prepare
~)lal1s 8,l1d specifications :for a serlage cUsposal plant and presont
Sa1.iC to t:w Gta te Doard of lIeal tll f'or approval.
Vote, Ayes Coul1ciluCI1 C. H. Pierce, E. ILartin Johnson, C. :;:j.
Frcdrickoon, JeroL.;c Chappell, :Sluer J. C11e81)ro; Abscnt COLln-
cilI:lnn Gd'al<l llecL:m.", Noes, Councilmen, None.
I,Iotion by =~. l.Iartin Johnson, seconded by Jerome Chappell and
carriecl: TIm t the Ci ty il t torney be ins truc ted to prepare a
resolution callillG an election ror a bond issue of' G 110,000.
I'or serrer l)urposes and 11resent SaLlO at meetinG two weeks :from
this date.
A. J. Co1'1'ee of' the GaLC1;ell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. addressed
the COLlncil rer;arc1inr.; tIle ins talla tion of' aclcli tional f'ire alar1:1
,:otion by JeroLle Chappell, seconded by C. E. Freclricl;:son and.
carried: That a warrant in tIle aLloull-G of' f:j GOOO. be dra\1l1 011
the Lcavesley Hoael Fund in favor of' :c . Ii. Conant, County- Treas-
ural", 1'01" donation to\'iarcl pavin;:; the IJeavesley nand.
Vote, Ayes Coul1ciluon C. II. Pierco, S. Llartin Johnson, c. ::.;.
l;'rcc1ricr~son, J erono Chappell, =~ll.1cr J. Chesbro; Noes, COLll1cil-
men, Hone; Absent. COllllc::'lijian Geralcl Hocker.
Acljournc(1. until l,[oncl<;ty,
G~ c~ f!:dMA/.
v::26. "